The truth about the Chinese people and the CCP - Why the Chinese ≠ the CCP

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Warning: Long post ahead. If you don't like massive walls of text, or potentially sensitive/controversial opinions, I would I advise you leave. 


Lately, I've been seeing a lot of posts and people asking something along the lines of "why don't Chinese people rebel?" or "How can they still stay silent?"

That brings up a really good question, "which side are the Chinese people on? Are they sided with the CCP or with the democratic nations of the west?" The answer is complicated, but I would like to have a few minutes of your time and attention. I'll clear up some misconceptions, and discuss why the chinese people aren't able to rebel, all while ranting incoherently. I am someone of high moral standards, so please forgive me if I'm too emotional or if I say anything sensitive.

This is an informal piece of writing and is by no means an informative piece of writing. Rather, it is more of a rant in which I express my views and opinions. Therefore, please excuse my informal speech and potential grammatical errors. You may not agree with me, but please refrain from hurling insults or racial slurs. Remember we are civilized human beings and we communicate through logic and reasoning and not by banging our heads on keyboards. Thank you.


*feel free to skip the first 7 paragraphs (highly recommended)*


As we all know, tension is rising and WWIII seems to draw near

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As we all know, tension is rising and WWIII seems to draw near. With all the increasing political tension between the US and China, hatred for China is spreading throughout the world as people are scrambling to pick sides between the world's two largest superpowers.

The CCP has terrorized the world for nearly a century, oppressing and persecuting its own citizens to maintain their tyrannical grasp over the country. They've lied and deceived the world over and over again. They have no regard for human rights. They brutally tortured and slaughter whoever they deem as a threat, whether it be minorities like the Uyghurs or human rights activists and whistleblowers. Whoever speaks out against them is silenced and swiftly eliminated. They treat their own citizens like livestock, enslaving, and robbing them for generations upon generations. Their evilness and hypocrisy knows no limits and exceeds even human imagination.

Yet we have remained idle for so long, turning a blind eye to all suffering and atrocities created by the CCP's regime. But now is the time to take action! Now's the chance to eliminate the CCP and restore what's left of our humanity! (*overly dramatic music playing in the background*)!

But before you start screaming, "let's nuke China!" or "let WWIII begin!". Let us stop for a moment and think. There is still one problem, one major issue that we haven't addressed yet. The Chinese people. Where do they stand? Are they sided with the CCP or with the democratic nations? The answer is... complicated. But first, there's some misconception I have to clear up.

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