Ch 17

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The Royal Merchant was deteriorating on the ocean floor

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The Royal Merchant was deteriorating on the ocean floor. The ship was in pieces. There was definitely no gold. I couldn't say I was disappointed because I had a feeling this would happen, but I felt bad for my brother.

"It's not there. Look, just- just pull the drone up." John B sighs.

"Look, we can do another pass, recharge the battery. We can- we can go back down." Pope tries.

"We've done it three times." JJ points out. "There's nothing there."

"Shut up!" Kie demands loudly.

"What? It's true!"

"The gold could be buried. We don't know."

"If it was here, it would've been found on the metal detector, okay?" I could tell John B was gutted. "Somebody beat us to it."

"Or it was never there." JJ retorts.

"JJ, please." I walk over to him. "We know it's not there, okay? Please don't make him feel worse." I beg.

He gives my hand a squeeze, before letting go quickly and focusing back on leaving. We drop off John B at home, but I didn't want to say anything and make him feel worse so I went to JJ's.

"Where's your dad?" I ask walking up to the door, I noticed his dad's car was gone.

"I don't know, probably his drug dealer."


I sit on his couch, relaxing into the seat. I was drained from the trip. JJ lays down on the couch, pulling me on top of him. I cuddle into him, letting myself drift to sleep.

I wake up later, when I feel JJ's absence. I grab my phone and look at the messages I had received while sleeping. John B had texted several time about DCS. I text him back asking where he was. I relax when I get a text back saying he escaped and he was okay.

I step outside, seeing Pope and JJ talking. "Hey!" I call getting there attention.

"Wait, Kat? What are you doing here?" Pope asks.

"Avoiding my moping brother and napping."

"Oh, understandable, you could've come to my place you know?"

"I know. JJ's my friends too." I say shrugging.

"Alright. Did you get the message from Kie about OBX movie night?"


"Oh, well I told her we'd be there and she kinda forced us to come."


After having no luck with the Royal Merchant I went home with JJ. I wanted to avoid John B being all moody because it didn't work out.

I had to admit I was kinda bummed but I figured we wouldn't find anything anyway. JJ and I had just gone to his house and hung out. I was tired and I wasn't up for much after failing.

Low Tide \\ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now