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"Tally-ho." John B says.

"Hey-up." JJ follows.

JJ and my brother carry a keg onto the beach, while Kie carries the pump. Pope and I both carry several bags of plastic cups.

The boys set down the keg, setting up the pump. They begin to fill several cups. John B hands me one, I down the beer quickly. JJ cheers me on as I drink it.

Eventually more people show up. The party gets slightly chaotic as everyone shows up. Soon enough the boneyard is filled with Pogues, Kooks and even Tourons.

After a couple beers I begin to feel buzzed. I challenge JJ to chugging competitions several times. People whoop and holler as we have one last competition. I chug my beer, throwing my cup on the ground before JJ finishes his. He picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He spins me around in a circle while I giggle and smack his back.

He sets me down looking me in the eyes. I was very drunk but I knew he was about to kiss me. "Not here." I say shaking my head.

"Shit, sorry, Babe." He slurs.

He pulls me further down the beach so we're out of sight from everyone. Once we're out of sight I instantly am reaching for him. I pull his lips against mine in a sloppy, drunk kiss. He picks me up under my thighs and pins me against a tree. I wrap my arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me, as well as locking my legs around his hips.

His tongue glides against my bottom lips as me kisses me. I run my hand through his hair as I continuously press kisses against his mouth. JJ makes his way to my jawline, leaving sloppy kisses against it.

He pulls away. "God, I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I giggle. I admire his beautiful features for a moment before snapping out of it. "We should probably get back, it's getting dark. They'll wonder where we are."

A pout crosses his lips. I kiss them again.

"Come on." I pull him with me. I look to see if there's anyone that could see us. When the coast is clear I walk out. JJ follows shortly after.

I walk over, finding Pope. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Woah, where have you been?"

"Uh, no where." I giggle.

"You look like you had sex."

"I didn't, but I did make out with a guy."


"P, we're at a party! I don't know his name."

Pope shakes his head at me. I instantly sober up when I see a fight breaking out between the Kooks and my friends. "Shit, Pope!" I stand up and rush over to the fight.

Pope stops JJ from moving. "We're supposed to be incognito, remember?"

Topper punches my brother, knocking him to the ground.

"Hey!" I yell. "Stop that!"

Topper continues hitting my brother, pushing him into the water. "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?"

Rage burns in my lungs at the Kook's comment.

"Hey, Topper!" I yell catching his attention. He looks at me. I swing my arm, slapping him across the face. He steps back shocked.

He looks me dead in the eye. "Pogues are like sewer rats. And you're one of the worst. The one that meddles in everyone's business."

John B stands up, angry. He tackles Topper to the ground.

"John B, let it go!" Pope yells.

"Stop, you guys." Kie tries.

Pope grabs me around the waist, pulling me away. "Kat, stop. You're still buzzed. Don't get yourself involved, you'll get hurt."

A large group has circled around the two boys. Sarah shouts, trying to get them stop. The crowd cheers, chanting, encouraging the fight.

Topper knocks John B into the water. He holds my brothers face in the water, not allowing him up for breath. He was drowning him.

"Topper, stop!" My throat burns. Fear sparks in me. I turn to my boyfriend. "JJ, do something. Please." I grip his hand. 

JJ disappears for a second before returning. He presses the gun against Topper's head. That was so not what I meant.

"Yeah, you know what that is!" JJ shouts. "Your move, broski."

"JJ, chill out. You're gonna get us in trouble." I say to him.

The crowd disperses, leaving just Topper, Sarah, and us Pogues near the fight. Everyone yells, scared of what JJ will do. 

"JJ, please. Put the gun down." I say softly. "Come on, just let him go."

Topper begins to stand, his hands up in surrender.

"Kie, can you check your psycho friend please?" Sarah calls out.

I give her a death glare. "Why don't you say that to your psycho boyfriend, bitch! He just tried to drown my brother."

"Shut up, he didn't!"

"Go home. You don't belong over here."

"Alright, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ yells loudly. He points the gun in the air, shooting.

Everyone else leaves, terrified. I run over to JJ, standing in front of him. "J, relax! Calm down! You're being reckless!"

"I'm saving his life, okay?" JJ yells at me.

"JJ, listen to me! Stop. Look at me." I reach up to his face, making him look at me. "Calm down. Okay? We're okay. Relax, please."

His eyes soften at my begging. I rush over to my brother, I had solved one problem now I just had to fix the other. I lift my brother up a little bit, pulling him into the sand.

"John B! Can you hear me? Please, come on!"

He chokes up water, sitting up.

"Oh, thank god." I say, pulling him into a hug.

Low Tide \\ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now