Yo! I'm Back✨

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Hi Readers! Hope y'all are staying safe and healthy.

I'm fine too.

Feel free to skip this part and dive straight into the new update :)


So. . .

Lemme explain where was I, and why haven't I been updating.

First and foremost, Thanks to all of you for being so patient and nice! You guys are soo nice and kind that I don't deserve you *cries in the corner*

This is going to be a long rant, so to sum it up the best reason will be this:

My college is such a pain in the arse

People in there sucks!

My life is kicking my butt!


Here is the long rant:

Year 2020 was a huge fucking mess! It fucking messed up many's life, and just hearing anything related about Corona gives me goosebumps!

I was out of the town for my internship. And then the pandemic came crashing down, and I was stuck in there. It was hard to go out, specially out of station. Somehow I completed my internship, and by the time it was completed, the things were kind of normal. The Lockdown was over, so I came back to my home. Home sweet home~

Then I got surrounded by college work and doing all those silly
a$$ignments! I got so busy in keeping up with college work, my personal development, Technical work and trainings, preparing was the interviews. I was at that crucial stage of my life where all of my time have to be spent on nothing but my career.
I kept preparing and this pandemic made few things harder in many cases. Taking online classes was almost useless! I got distracted easily. I got to know the worth of Offline classes. At least we somewhat focus in offline classes but with online it's impossible!

However, I didn't mind staying at home. I am anti-social so staying away from outsiders was fine― Super fine with me!

During all this hustle and bustle, I almost forgot all about my writing passion. That I'm a writer who fucking have three incomplete books that haven't been updated since ages!!

When I was relieved from all the work, and finally had time for myself. I checked my wattpad and books. And... I felt bad, So fucking bad and disappointed with myself!!

Not only I haven't been writing but I also stopped reading! Feeling frustrated, I started going through my pending work. Re-read it. I made many attempts to continue further, but at that moment I wasn't getting any idea that fits better or even when I wrote something I couldn't able to set up the required environment which made the draft looks so dry. It felt as if I'm just forcing out my words on a plain sheet.

For few days I didn't open my wattpad. I decided to actively work on my writing skills so that I can deliver you the best from my side. It's not like I didn't improve at all, but I am not satisfied with my writing. I need to brush it up more.

I came back on wattpad, read few books from my reading list. Now, I am back at writing it again. I also have some ideas bubbling up in my mind for future books. But for now I'll be focusing more on my incomplete books.

I have actively started reading and writing again. Although, I'm still busy, but I have to dedicate some time for my hobbies! Everyone deserves it!

I know that most of the time I say "I wIlL uPdAtE vErY sOoN~" but that soon never comes! Even though writing is my passion, but I can't let my readers suffer from the lack of updates. You guys have been there with me whenever I felt demotivated to write. I thank you wholeheartedly for all of your love!

Thank you for reading it this far!

I am thinking of reading something from my reader's recommendations! So, my lovely readers~ don't be shy and share some of your favourite reads― It can be from your favourite authors, any fandom, fiction or non-fiction, gay or straight, or even your own book(I'll definitely check them out and give my love and support).

Leave your recommendations 👉


I love you~

See ya soon👋

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