author's note

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ohmyyyyy another story is over!!!

HAHAHAHAH i thought i indicated from the beginning that it was a SHORT story but many of u guys were still surprised HAHAHAH i'm sorry i guess y'all didn't expect it to be THIS short but anyway.. i still hope you guys enjoyed it~!!

this story... it resonates a lot in my heart. i feel like i always say this but i think, this is slightly different. i kind of projected my personality onto iu this time i feel, like my insecurities, my social anxiety, things like that. of course her backstory and all that is not my personal backstory - not everyone needs a traumatic childhood or a bad event to happen to turn out a certain way. but yes, her personality is largely similar to mine in this book, and it was indeed intentional.

i think people like me... it's easy to feel like a wallflower at times. in high school i had this huge crush on this one guy in my class. he... wasn't a great person. basically, he wasn't a jungkook. he wasn't warm, he wasn't kind-hearted. he was quite the opposite - warm sometimes, and cold at other times. every day of school felt like i was playing a guessing game... was he gonna be friendly to me today? i never could really tell what his feelings and mood was on that day. when he felt like it, he'd talk to me... but when he wasn't in a mood, he'd make me feel really uncomfortable when i talk to him. but perhaps due to my immaturity at that time, i really, really liked him... a lot.

this is something of the past now - 4 years have already passed, after all... have i moved on? not really, nah... but he has. well, it probably wasn't difficult for him to move on, though - since he never really liked me before. but now when i think back of the moments we shared, i no longer feel regret and all but rather, i'm thankful that he helped me grow as a person, learn what i like and don't like in a guy, which will possibly help me to make better choices in the future.


anyway i'm so sorry i have sidetracked... HAHAHA now back to the story!!! this was a short semi-sweet kinda story and i really really hope you guys enjoyed it~ i am not usually someone to be so concise with my stories (ahem transfer student ahem heart signal ahem my brightest star and behind the scenes) but i wanted to try being concise this time. and in order to not make it feel rushed, they had to know each other prior to meeting in high school soooooo here we are!

i have run out of things to say i just hope u guys enjoyed this book and please look forward to my next one! like always, it'll be coming really soon sooooo yup~ it's likely to be a vsoo book so... i'm really excited to share that with you guys ❤️❤️ do take care of yourselves in the meantime~~ soooo till we meet again........

hobisbeansprout ❤️

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