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<Confusing - JuB & Jang Yijeong>

In Jieun's memory, it was actually two years ago that she had met Jungkook for the very first time.

Their first meeting wasn't spectacular - it wasn't even memorable to begin with, so Jieun had no idea why it stayed with her till now. In fact, it was so not worth remembering that Jungkook had probably just completely forgotten about it within the day itself - that's if, he even knew who she was and... if he even cared.

It was just a typical Tuesday lunch break.

Jieun was heading to the canteen to get a quick bite, when she walked past the soccer field and saw Jungkook playing soccer with a bunch of his friends. She didn't stop to watch, but her eyes followed his every move subconsciously as she scurried past. He was someone who was hard to miss, after all... while she was just a wallflower, someone that people barely paid attention to most of the time, since she wasn't outstanding in any way.

Of course, the wallflower would be the one watching the social butterfly... not the other way.

"Ya, you over there!"

"Hey, JK! Ask her to toss the ball over!"

"Got it! Hello, excuse me...?"

Jieun was so engrossed in her own thoughts she barely even noticed that Jungkook was standing a few metres away from her, waving at her. For a moment, Jieun thought she was hallucinating. But moments later, after she rubbed her eyes and confirmed that he was indeed standing before her waving in her direction, her next instinct was that he wasn't talking to her, but someone else standing behind her. She turned around.

"Don't turn around, I'm talking to you!" Jungkook laughed as he pointed straight at Jieun and nodded. "Do you mind throwing the ball over...?"

Jieun looked down at her feet and finally noticed the soccer ball sitting right next to her. Slowly, she bent down and picked up the ball, raising it up to eye level just as Jungkook approached her some more.

"Sorry about that-" Jungkook grabbed the ball from her hands with a dazzling smile. "You must have been surprised, huh? I'll tell the guys to be more careful next time and make sure the ball doesn't go flying in all directions."

Jieun stared back at Jungkook, not knowing what exactly to say. And Jungkook just stared right back, making things ten times more awkward for Jieun than they already were.

"So... um..." Jungkook pursed his lips, shifting in his spot awkwardly, throwing the ball back and forth between his hands. "I guess- um- you- actually, I-"


Jungkook turned around at the sound of someone shouting his name.

"Are you coming back with the ball or what?" One of the guys shouted at Jungkook. "Why are you taking so long? We don't have all day!"

"I'm coming, hyung!" Jungkook yelled back, before turning towards Jieun again with a charming smile, tossing the ball back and forth between his hands again. "Um... so... thanks for the ball! Er... see you!"

Jieun raised up a hand tentatively. "See... you..."

But Jungkook had already turned to leave, joining his friends back at the soccer field once more. Jieun lowered her hand down slowly, as she watched the group of soccer players welcoming Jungkook with friendly smiles and nudges as he returned with the ball. He was well-liked indeed, and Jieun could completely understand why. He was really likeable, he had a great personality, a good-looking face, a nice smile, he was good at studying, good at sports, and pretty much good at everything he had ever tried. It was no wonder he was always surrounded by people.

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