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<What The Eyes Say - Tei>

"Omma, you know these guys-" Chaeyoung grinned as she gestured at Jungkook, Lisa and Taehyung, before gently pushing Jieun forward by her shoulders and introducing her to her mom as well. "And this new face is Lee Jieun! She's our fifth group member for this term's Physics project. Jieun-ah, this is my mom, say hi."

Jieun was at Chaeyoung's house later that day with the rest of her group. Instantly, she was blown away by how huge Chaeyoung's house was. She really lived a perfect life, like a real-life Barbie. And her mom, too - she was beautiful, friendly and had a lovely smile. And seeing how good Chaeyoung's relationship with her mom was made Jieun think of her mom... a whole lot.

Jieun managed a smile as she took a deep bow. "Annyeonghaseyo."

"Oh, what a polite girl, it's nice to meet you, Jieun-ah." Chaeyoung's mom greeted her with a huge smile and a friendly pat on the shoulder, before turning to the rest. "Hi, you all. Try not to make such a big mess of the house like you did last time, will you? I'm preparing some food for you guys right now - go ahead and get down to work. I'll call you down when it's ready."

"Thanks, auntie!"

Jieun headed up with the rest, lagging a little behind because whenever you're in a group with an odd number of people, of course one person will be left behind. And of course, she was always that person. But not this time.

"Jieun-ah!" Chaeyoung turned around and spotted Jieun walking uncomfortably behind her and Jungkook. She ran down a few steps, grabbed Jieun by the arm and pushed her up next to Jungkook instead. "Don't lag behind - this house is way bigger than you think."

Jieum glanced at Jungkook nervously, but was relieved to see him smiling at her too.

"Yeah, don't get lost-" Jungkook said with a little chuckle. "I come here almost everyday and I still get lost on the way to the toilet sometimes."

He came here almost everyday, Jieun repeated in her head. Of course - Jungkook and Chaeyoung were like coffee and tea, bread and butter, ying and yang, like two peas in a pod.

"Ah... o-okay-" Jieun stammered, as she hurried up the stairs after Lisa and Taehyung, leaving Chaeyoung and Jungkook lagging behind together. "Thanks."

Jungkook and Chaeyoung exchanged confused looks, before joining their friends upstairs.

The rest of the day passed really quick, as all five of them were concentrated on getting their work done - the project was due in less than two days after all, so they really didn't have much time left. Working with four of the top students in the school was an extremely interesting experience for Jieun - she had never seen people work so well together and with so much efficiency and creativity before. She had definitely learnt a lot from them over the past week.

Later on in the evening, they ate a meal together cooked by Chaeyoung's mom. Needless to say, that meal definitely stirred up some emotions inside of Jieun and made her think of her mom's cooking... but thankfully, she managed to control her emotions well. After that short little break, the five of them went back to work immediately... and they worked late into the night, each of them getting sleepier and sleepier as time passed.

Jieun went to the toilet later on and indeed, just as Jungkook had warned, the toilet was really hard to find. It wasn't so difficult locating the toilet, because she eventually found it after turning left and right at different corridors... but the only problem was getting back to Chaeyoung's room. That was the challenging part.

"Why are there so many rooms for...?" Jieun mumbled to herself as she stumbled into a new corridor. "Wait... laundry room? I literally passed by this room just a short while ago-"

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