24 Follow My Lead

Start from the beginning

"Stop it Jace," I whisper begged.

"No can do sugar," he replied nonchalantly. "You need to push through this, you are stronger than this." He got up and dragged me back to the starting point before letting me go. 

"Again," he commanded.

I couldn't get a handle on my emotions as they crashed within me. Panic at hearing that word pass his lips. Anger bordering on rage, betrayal, hurt, they were all there demanding to be acknowledged. 

"Again," he snarled.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pushed it all away. He swung first as I dropped and twisted. Expecting that he was already sweeping down for the pin but I was already doubling back to his open side.

"Now that's more like it," he growled as he came up empty. My mind demanded I race to the bike but the open ground was too big for me to cover before he could catch me. So I took up on the far side of a block buying time while I held my gained ground.

"Smart, you didn't panic this time," he conceded as he stalked me from the other side. "That's using your head, picking up ground at a solid hold versus a blind sprint you can't make. Now what sugar?"

"Stop it!" I screamed at him.

"No sugar, you can't let these words hold power over you," he snapped like he was scolding a petulant child.

In an instant he was over the block, lunging for me. I grabbed his outstretched wrist and dropped using his momentum to continue his flight. My feet landed solidly in his gut sending him up, but he grabbed my foot dragging me with him.

We crashed hard into the ground beyond the next block. He was on his back as I straddled him but he had full control of both of my wrists twisting them painfully.

"You're hurting me," I grated out.

"Dig deeper sugar," my anger mounted the more he used that name. I twisted through the pain to break his grip on my wrists. No sooner than I broke free, I was on my feet trying to put distance between us. 

He crashed hard into me from behind slamming us against a block. I groaned from the force of the hit but managed a couple solid elbows into his ribs before he pinned me down.

My mind betrayed me, bringing forth memories of Jonah the flayer, pinning me the same way. I shuddered as I fought against the panic telling me to freeze.

"Not everyone will be out to kill you sugar," he says lowly. The panic blooms at his insinuation, he wouldn't? Would he? Suddenly I don't know the answer to that, and the realization chills me to my core.

"Some will just want to hurt you," he said twisting my left arm painfully. "Others will want to use you." The threat hung heavy in the air as my heart threatened to break free from my chest. My eyes burned as they watered against my permission.

"Get off of me, Jace," I screamed desperately. 

"Make me," he growled in my ear. His proximity was repulsive, my body screamed at his touch. He ground his hips against me sending my panic to a new level.

Panic was losing to rage as he continued to dominate me. He ran his free hand down my back as I squirmed, trying to free myself. 

"No," I screamed in desperation as his hand slipped under my shirt on my back. I couldn't hold back the renegade tear that slipped down my cheek or the sob that followed as he kicked my legs wider appart and slipped his between them. 

He slid his hand down against my skin and slipped it beneath the waist of my jeans digging his fingers into my hip. More tears slipped out as the anger flared in me.

My free hand grasped at the dirt on the block gathering a fistful as I threw it over my head directly into his eyes. He snarled in rage as he coughed and wiped his eyes.

In his distraction I twisted my left arm free ignoring the burning sensation, and pushed off of the block driving the back of my head hard into his face. I saw stars from the force of the impact but he still had my hips pinned as I swung wildly with my right elbow.

The first hit landed savagely in his throat causing a strangled choke. The second blow was to his temple judging by the pain in my elbow. He cursed loudly as he staggered.

I didn't see the blow he landed on my right shoulder but it drove me back to the block with a painful hiss. I ignored the searing pain in my left arm as I drove my elbow up with all my force connecting hard.

He snarled in rage as he faltered. I took the opening pushing off hard from the block. As soon as I had some space I put my foot into it propelling us backwards. 

He wrapped an arm around me to try and control me but I used the momentum of the fall to drive an elbow hard into his ribs, hearing a sickening crack as we hit the ground. He groaned out in pain but I hit him again and again in the same spot until he let me go.

As I scrambled up he launched one last desperate play to pin me but I brought my heel up hard to the family jewels. He cursed as he crumpled and I ran for the bike.

"Jess," he gasped desperately. I didn't even look at him as I grabbed a helmet, jumped on the bike, kicked it off and left him writhing in pain in a cloud of dust.

My hand was locked on the throttle propelling me faster than I should have been going. I was desperate to put space between us as my body started to falter as the adrenaline receded.

Finally I slowed down as my vision failed and the tears flowed freely.

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