Chapter 24-- Love knows "no sorry"!

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The car came to a smooth stop in front of the house and Defne woke up from her slumber with an
"ayiiiii... did I sleep in again?"
She woke up rubbing her nape of her neck looking sheepishly at Omer!!

"It's ok askim! You had a long day yesterday, and I kept you awake for the most part of the morning. "

He winked at her, reminding their cuddles as she blushed and he cupped her chin and kissed her hands, not wanting to let her go.


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"Omer... I was thinking... about the conversation from last night. Do you think I should tell Tramba?"
"About ... us!! I am tired of always hiding something from somebody all the time!"
"Hmmm... don't do anything in haste! If it were me, I would fire you immediately.
So, be careful not to jeopardize anything as yet." He advised.

Seeing the turmoil in her eyes, he felt so bad for her; the mess she was in!! He wanted to take an eraser and erase it.

"Next time canim, run it by me. I feel terrible, you getting into this mess and not knowing how to get out of it!"

"Omer... I didn't know you would be coming into my life like a knight in a shining armor!
I had no idea you would take so many things in your stride like you have been doing since we have been together..." she trailed off to pause and see his reaction.

"Defne, I took all those things in my stride because of one sole reason... I love you!!" He said, softly caressing her with that baritone voice that melted her insides and made her more guilty.

"But I am torn! Between my love for you, and the word I gave to Tramba before we patched up!"

"And you don't want to terminate it?" He asked hopefully.

"I had no idea I was any good in what I do..."

"I have always told you; you had that gift in you. I wouldn't have invested that time in you had I not seen that light in you!"

"And... I am eternally grateful to you for that!" She said emphatically with tears rushing to the corner of her eyes, as she blinked them back and continued, "I just wanted to give it a shot at this based on my own strengths. Wanted to return the loan on my own accord. I did not mean to go against you, you know, that right?"

She searched his face to see if he understood her.

His gaze was soft and he continued to look at her with that yearning look that made her heart twist.

"Defne, I have told you, how much I want you with me, to complete me personally and professionally.
But I do understand where you are coming from, let's leave it like this for now.

You go to Paris, get trained, work hard, be true to your employer.

When you design, don't keep me in your mind, let me not be in your head space and cloud your judgement."

Defom -- A Love Story❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now