
Simba stood before Scar, ready to face his or uncle. Bunga and Beshte were also lined up, both of their bodies extremely bloody and cut up, but alive. Janja's clan had all been killed, the only thing left to remember them by were the bones left behind by Outlanders. Scar had Janja and Jasiri be put outside in the brutal Outlands sun to either bleed out or die from exposure.

"You know Kion will come for you," Fuli reminded Scar.

"Yes I know, are you ready to play your part when he does?"

"Yes my King."

"Good, and if he can't be turned, you are ready to accept that he can't be allowed to live?"

Fuli hesitated for a second before responding. "Yes, my king."

"Good, get some rest. You might need it when the time comes." The cheetah simply nodded and trotted off. Scar leaned over to Ushari.

"Get me Sumu," he told the Egyptian Cobra.

"May I assssssk why?"

"A plan is a list of things that can go wrong, should Fuli somehow fail us, I know Sumu will dispatch Kion for us."

"Of coursssse my king. I will fetch him immediately," the snake replied as he quickly slithered off to fetch the scorpion. Scar turned his attention back to Simba.

"I still remember the day Mufasa died, I should've just killed you myself. But instead I let you escape, I won't make that mistake again."

"You don't scare me Scar, you're weak, a coward, never doing your own dirty work," Simba growled. Scar raised an eyebrow at Simab's audacity, even when captured, he was quite bold. But this time, Scar came prepared.

"Where are your manners, Simba? Calling me weak in my own domain? I guess I'll just have to prove to the all mighty king of the Pride Lands, that he for once, is wrong."

He made his way towards Simba, a grin on his face the entire time. "I'm quite sure you could hear Fuli...howl in pain a few nights ago. That poor girl, she fought hard but it was ultimately futile," he gloated. He then walked past Simba over to where Bunga and Beshte's near motionless bodies lay. He peered over his shoulder with a bloody chilling grin, and no one could've predicted what came next. In the blink of an eye, Scar pushed both Bunga and Beshte over the edge, into the lava below. Simba watched in horror as their bodies hit the magma below, and for a few seconds, shrieks of agony and intense pain could be heard below before they were silenced, and their corpses engulfed by the red liquid. Scar then turned towards Simba once more.

"They were weak, and the weak should be used for the benefit of the strong, and if they refuse the roll that's been given to them, they will join those two down below. Now, let's see just how weak you are!" The green eyed lion growled as a dark purple and black aura began emitted from his paw. "Fuli lasted a few hours before her mind became...fragmented, and was put back together piece by piece. Let's see if you can hold on until Kion arrives."


Kion, Afya, Vitani, and Kovu all continued their advance through the deep canyons of the Outlands. Ono hitched a ride on his friend Anga, the eagle. Together they provided overwatch, guiding the group towards the volcano. Rafiki, as well as Timon and Pumba, had stayed behind to protect Nala, Kiara, Tiffu, and Zuri.

"So your armor protects you from all attacks?" Vitani asked as she was still trying to wrap her head around the concept.

"Almost all attacks, where there isn't armor you can still get hit. But if they hit you where you have armor, the worst you can get is a bruise," Afya explained.

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now