Part 2-Chapter 2: Do you trust me?

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Kion and Afya head towards the scream they heard. They leave from behind Afya's house and they see a large gathering of tigers around the main entrance. They race toward the crowd and push their way to the front. When they reach the front, they are able to see what was causing the commotion, they see a tiger being held captive by a bunch of black cats, and a few leopards.

"What are those animals?" Ask Kion.

"Those are panthers, they followed us all the way from Asia. You see the one in front with the green eyes and scars across both of his eyes? He's their leader, and the one who killed our parents, or at least that's what Zita says. His name is Tong, he's a monster, he has murdered countless numbers of our tigers. We didn't even do anything to him, he just hates us for some reason." Kion nods in understanding, and looks back to the situation.

"Zita, come out here and face me!" Yells Tong. He waits a few seconds for Zita to come forward. When Zita doesn't come forward, he turns to one of the tigers on the Tiger Defense Force (yes I'm changing the name). "You, where is Zita!"

"Uh...uh, I don't know, he might be out on patrol?" He squeaks out. Tong scoffs as he scans the crowd, looking to see if Zita is hiding amongst the crowd. He seems to stop as he makes eye contact with Afya and Kion.

"If it isn't Afya, how have you been doing?" He asks sadistically with a smirk on his face.

"I would be much better if you could let my friend go and leave, Tong."

"My dear, why the hostility? I've just come for a friendly visit and a few words with your brother."

"Well thanks for the visit, and Zita isn't here right now. So get lost, or do I have to give you another scar?" Tong chuckles at Afya's remark.

"I'll tango with you anytime," he remarks with a wink, producing an "ugh" and an eye roll from Afya. He then looks over at Kion with a curious look. "A lion? I've only seen one of your kind before, looked a lot like you too, but don't worry, he's dead. Your kind fights hard, tell you what, you're going to fight the new guy. If you win, she lives, if you lose or refuse, she dies." Everyone immediately looks at Kion, basically begging him to fight. He was still a little sore and tired from the sparring match he had with Afya, but he knew he really didn't have a choice. He stepped forward and began his normal stretching and fight warm up routine, as did the other panther. After a few minutes, the two began the fight. As they circled each other, Kion was scanning his opponent trying to get read of his opponent. He assumed his opponent was eager to end the fight quickly to impress Tong, being the new guy and all. As if on queue, the black cat pounced on top of Kion and threw a claw towards his throat. He reacted by diverting the strike, and used the panthers momentum and lack of balance to spin him around and put him into a choke hold. As he's trying to hold him in the choke hold, it dawns on him that the panther isn't fighting for a tap out, he's fighting for the kill. Kion himself has never killed an animal, at least that he can remember. Would he have to kill this panther? His thoughts were broken when the panther was able to force Kion to let go by scratching him. Now Kion was bleeding from his front left leg, causing him pain and slight discomfort, but he pushed on. After about 3 minutes of fierce battling, Kion we left multiple deep cuts that were all letting out blood. As for the panther, he only had a few cuts because Kion was trying to force a tap out or get a knockout, which he began to realize wasn't going to happen. As he began to feel dizzy due to the loss in blood and high amounts of pain he was feeling, he began to feel Ukali's bloodlust push its way into his head. He tried to keep in control of himself but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Both animals were extremely tired and wanted to end the fight as soon as possible. Kion could tell that the panther was becoming desperate, lunging at any little opportunity he saw. So Kion took advantage of this, and left his front left leg out in a vulnerable position. As he planned, the panther lunged at him, but Kion was too slow to move his leg out of the way. The panthers full weight landed on Kion's leg. A loud crack was heard causing a majority of the crowd to wince. A loud grunt was heard from Kion, but he still needed to capitalize on his advantage. He used his remaining strength to flip the panther on to his back, and put his right paw on to his throat. He leaned all of his weight on to the panthers throat, causing him to begin suffocating. As the black cat desperately tried to get a breath of air, he threw wild swings at Kion leaving more claw marks and drawing more blood. As Afya watched the fight, she noticed something about Kion was different. She saw a flash of red as his eyes turned from amber to crimson. She then watched as somehow Kion used his broken leg to grab the panthers head. Then with all of his strength, he picked up the panther's head, and slammed it Into the ground while twisting it hard in one direction. A loud snap was heard as the panthers body went completely limp. Kion was completely out of breath and extremely beaten up, but he had won. As he turned and faced Afya, the red faded from his eyes as the amber returned. He weakly smiled at Afya and stumbled a couple of steps toward her before collapsing.

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