Chapter 10: Fury of the Ancients

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Kovu turns around to see Kiara step forward, it has been years since they've seen each other.

"Kiara?" He smiles and runs over to her and tries to hug her, but she quickly pushes him off. "Kiara what's wrong?"

"Kovu, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?"

"I'm doing this for you Kiara, I'm building a kingdom that I can rule, and I want you to rule next to me, as my queen." Kiara looks into his eyes and sees a fire burning in them. She realizes that he's been corrupted, blinded by the possibility of power, or the promise of it.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kovu?" She said as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "You're not the Lion I fell in love with." This clearly angered Kovu as his tone changed.

"What are you talking about? Kiara I love you and love me. Everything I've done has been for you." He leans in for a kiss but is pushed away once again. This sent Kovu over the edge, as his anger, ego ,and lust for power and control took control.

"You ungrateful brat," he yelled as he raised his paw and brought it down on Kiara, drawing blood and a loud shriek of pain from the lioness. "You will learn to be thankful."

Kion watched as Kiara interacted with the lion. He thought to himself, 'how did Kiara fall in love with a lion like him?' As Kion heard Kovu slowly raise his voice, he remembered that he was talking to his sister, Kiara. He trusted Kiara's judgement, but also felt that something didn't feel right. All of a sudden, he heard a loud shriek of pain that broke his chain of thought. He looked up to see Kiara on the ground, bleeding, with Kovu standing over her, blood on his claw. At that moment, something changed in Kion, his eyes turned a bright crimson red, Fuli looked over and saw the red light emit from his. She shook her head and blinked a few times, not believing what she was seeing. She saw pure fury in his eyes, as if Kion had been altered. The Lion was still Kion, it moved and breathed and looked like Kion, but at the same time, it wasn't Kion. As Kovu raised his claw to strike Kiara again, Kion finally snapped.

"Kovu!" Kovu stopped and looked behind him to see Kion make his way towards him. He laughed as Kion was noticeably smaller than him, and probably weaker as well. Although fairly obvious to everyone else, Kovu failed to notice Kion's unusual red eyes.

"Ha, you must be Kion, leader of the Lion Guard. I know all about you. What makes you think you can defeat me little lion?" At this point, even Kiara noticed the red light bleeding out of Kion's eyes, she knew that who she saw was Kion, but what she saw was not completely him. Kion slowly walked towards Kovu and Kiara, he spoke very calmly, yet there was something about his voice that was able to put fear in even Bunga.

"Kovu, leave Kiara alone." Even Kovu faltered for a second, as he began to realize that something was not right about the lion who challenged him. Still blinded by his ego and lust for power, he continued to not use logical thinking.

"You didn't answer my question little lion, what makes you think you can defeat me?" Kovu taunted once more. But he was surprised when Kion continued forward, his voice sounding much more threatening this time.

"Leave. Her. Alone." His face had no emotion, it was cold. Kion was now about four steps away from Kovu, who stood between him and Kiara, when he decided to speak again.

"Move, or you will be moved." Kovu once again faltered, as it finally clicked in his head that this lion was abnormal. But he had come too far to back down now, and the little bit of ego that he held onto would not allow him to see reason.

"Good luck," he said as he pounced towards Kion. But Kion didn't even flinch as Kovu plunged his paw into
his side, drawing blood from the leader. Kovu smiled, as had already won the fight, but he looked up, Kion stood there, unphased. He looked to the side where Kovu's claw was stuck in his side, blood seeping out, he turned towards Kovu. At this point Kovu has dropped his ego, and was now scared of what stood in front of him, what he just attacked. Kion leaned over and whispered in his ear.

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