Chapter 2: Another Day Changing

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As the sun begins to rise over the Pride Land, Kion wakes up to Fuli drinking from the watering hole with a dead gazelle next to her. A slight breeze blew through Kion's messy red mane. The breeze carried a sweet that he knew all too well, Fuli. He sat up and took in a deep breath of the cheetahs fragrance, arguably his favorite smell in all the Pride Lands. He turns and faces Fuli who is still drinking.

"Already went hunting?" Kion asked, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Yup, I didn't want to wake you, plus we have patrol soon, I saved you some gazelle," Fuli replies while motioning toward the leftovers.

"Wow, thank you Fuli," says Kion. Fuli smirks and gives a little nod before continuing to drink from the watering hole. Kion jumps to feet, stretches, and heads over to the gazelle . While he's eating, he hears 3 voices he knows very well.

"I think he snuck out last night, I hope he's ok," says one voice .

"Ugh, why do we have to look for him when we could be doing literally anything else," says another in a snarky tone.

"Guys be quiet, my mom and dad are worried about him," replies the 3rd voice.

"Tiifu, Zuri, Kiara, I'm over here," yells Kion.

The 3 lionesses appear from the bushes and look around. They see Kion and run over to him.

"Oh my gosh Kion, you had us so worried," Tiifu said In her soft voice.

"Can we go home now?" complains Zuri while rolling her eyes.

"Kion, where have you been, mom and dad are worried about you," says Kiara.

"Sorry Kiara, didn't mean to scare you guys, I just went for a walk last night and got...distracted"

"Well at least you're ok, I'll go tell dad."

"Thanks Kiara, see ya Tiifu, bye Zuri."

Kiara turns to leave followed by Zuri who rolls her eyes before leaving. Tiifu shoots Kion one of her cute smiles before turning and catching up with her friends.

"We should probably get to the lair," Fuli tells Kion.

"I agree, let's go."

When they arrived at the lair, Bunga, Ono, and Beshte were already prepared for the long day ahead.

"There you 2 are, what took you so long?" Asked Bunga.

"Sorry guys, I had a few distractions on my way here," remarks Kion.

"Same here," Fuli chips in.

"Regardless, we have to begin patrol," comments Ono.

"You're right, lets go," says Kion

It was almost the dry season in the Pride Land, so the animals were becoming a bit on edge. With the sun high in the sky and no cloud coverage, they had to continuously stop to drink and so Beshte could roll around in some mud. After a few false alarms, the team thought it was going to be another easy day.
Until about half way through patrol, they heard a group of voices yelling "PANIC AND RUN, PANIC AND RUN!"

"Ono" says Kion

"I'm on it," confirms Ono. He flies up in the air and looks around. He sees Janja, Chungu, and Cheezi chasing a zebra herd, and looks farther down the plain he sees Zuri, Tiifu, and Kiara in the way.

"Hapana," he says out loud. "Kion, the hyenas are chasing a herd of zebras, and they are headed right for Kiara, Zuri, and Tiifu."

"Good work Ono. Beshte and Bunga, you 2 deal with Janja and his crew. Fuli, you go warn Kiara and her friends. Me and Ono will try to calm down the herd." Commands Kion. Everyone nods, understanding their role. "Till the Pride Lands end!"

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now