Part 2-Chater 5: What a Heart Desires

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The two locked gazed, but it was Kion's eyes who had more to say. Fuli could see Kion struggle with emotions, as she couldn't get a read on the lion's true feelings.

"I know this is some sort of dream, but this feels... different," says Kion as he looks around.

"Rafiki made some sort of potion that linked our minds together," the cheetah replied, still not breaking her lock on the lion.

"That might explain the sudden headache, the tunnel vision, and the dizziness," Kion chuckled.

"Yea..." Fuli said as she trailed off looking toward the ground. She knew deep down, no matter how real it felt, it wasn't the same as him really being there. Kion sensed the change in Fuli's mood, not completely understanding why.

"Is everything ok Fuli?" He asked, concern being the overwhelming emotion that pushed through his amber eyes. He began to make his way toward her, moving across the small watering hole. Fuli looked up and met his gaze, but only for a second before looking back at the ground. She missed him more than anything, and wanted nothing more than to be with him. But he left her, he's the reason she's discontent with her life, so sad all the time, so cold.

She looked back at the lion, but this time, her eyes were cold. "You left me, left Kiara, your family, your friends. Give me one good reason why I should be happy to see you," Fuli growled at Kion, causing him to stop in his tracks, halfway across the water. The water was barely over his paws when he paused. He looked down at the water

"You don't Fuli, it was wrong of me to leave like that. I was scared, so I panicked and ran...kind of like a zebra," he said with a smile, hoping to get a reaction out of the cheetah. He looked up and met the coldest eyes ever seen. He could feel her glare cute through him, and if he was being honest, it hurt him a lot.

"Fuli, I'm sorry. It was wrong for me to leave, and I know that now. But...there's not a day that went but where I didn't think about you. And not a second that passed where I didn't miss you."

She met his gaze once again, but this time Fuli's eyes had a certain warmth to them. She bit her lip, trying to figure out what to say next, but instead somehow found herself walking towards him. As she stepped in the water, a liquid she usually despised, she found it to be rather warm and soothing. Not that she enjoyed the water this time, but she definitely didn't hate it. She found herself a mere two feet from the lion, letting each other see how the other has changed. She noticed the  tuft of red hair in his head had grown a little, but nowhere near a full mane. She looked him up and down, and noticed Kion's muscular build somewhat hidden under his still perfectly golden fur. Kion on the other hand, scanned Fuli's long, sleek, slender build. He could see her curves had become more defined and prominent since he left, only making her more attractive, at least in his eyes. Both wanted to break the silence, but neither could find the correct words, or any words at all. Finally, Fuli moved a bit closer to the lion standing in front of her, breaking the pause.

" you really mean that?" She asked in almost a whisper, not sure if she believed him or not. Kion took one step closer to his friend, as the were almost muzzle to muzzle.

"Of course Fuli," he replied in an even softer tone. The two stare at each other for a few seconds, communicating so much without even saying a word. Out of nowhere Fuli leans in and thrust her head under Kion's chin, catching him completely off guard, but he quickly relaxes and leans back in it. Time seemed to slow down as the two shared a long overdue moment together, both forgetting about the struggles they faced in reality.

They broke off after what felt like an hour, both with huge smiles. Fuli bit her lip again as a feeling welled up inside her. She wanted to know how Kion felt about her, and even though she knew how he felt before he left, his feelings could've changed and that could've just been him being nice. But that conversation could wait, she had a mission, and she was going to do her best to complete it.

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