Chater 5: The Fire Begins to Burn

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Today is the Lion Guards day off. The Pride Landers have offered to do their share in protecting the Pride Lands.

"Zuka Zama," yells Bunga doing a triple flip off of Hakuna Matata Falls.

"Nice flip Bunga," says Kion relaxing on the shore.

"Thanks Kion."

"Anyti..." A sharp pain surges through his scar again. He winces and he tries to brush it off, to little success. Kion could feel his heart beating out of his chest, feeling every movement it made, and it drove him crazy. He did his best to keep his mouth shut, he remembers what happened last time.

"Sorry I'm late guys," yells Fuli. Kion's pain went away and his heart beat returned to normal. His scar always seemed to stop acting up when Fuli was around.

"Don't worry Fuli, it's just our day off," replies Kion. Fuli smiles and lays down next to him. The guard spends the rest of the day together, laughing, and really enjoying the time off. As the sun begins to set, everyone heads of to get food. Fuli is about to leave before she is interrupted by Kion.

"Hey Fuli, before you go, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the top Hakuna Matata Falls with me? I'm spending the night there and was wondering if you'd like to join?" He shoots Fuli his signature smile, but Fuli has other ideas.

"Sorry Kion, I was going to go hunting." His ears drop a little bit and his smile begins to fade, but he quickly replaces it with a fake smile.

"Oh, ok, well I'll be near the top of the falls if you change your mind, good luck." Fuli watches as Kion leaves the clearing near the bottom of the waterfall. She feels bad knowing that Kion would've said yes to Fuli if the roles were reversed, and she was being completely honest, she kinda likes Kion's company. Someone who genuinely understands her, who she can tell enjoys her company. Maybe that's what made him a good leader, his willingness to sacrifice.

"Kion wait!" Kion pops his head through some bushes.

"What's up Fuli?"

"I think I'll take you up on your offer." Kion's smile instantly returns and his ears pop back up.

"Great! And I know where we can stop and get some food on the way up." The two walk out of the clearing, and towards a long winding path that leads towards the top of the falls.

It's late at night, and the 2 are on the top of the falls, watching the stars, making jokes and laughing.

"If you don't be nice, I'm going to go get the baboons," teases Kion.

"Don't you dare," Fuli replies laughing. Fuli and Kion move closer to each other, both enjoy each other's company.

"You know I could get used to this day off stuff."

"You know what, I think I could too." The two lay in silence, looking up at the stars that shower the Pride Lands with light during the night. They occasionally point out constellations and certain prominent stars.

"Ever think you'll find love Kion?" Ask Fuli out of the blue. She shook her head and frowned, not knowing why the question that escaped her did. Kion didn't notice as he was lost in the stars, and in the question the cheetah asked him.

"You know, sometimes I don't know, but keep my hopes up." He smiles and looks at her. She smiles as she looks over at him, the moonlight illuminating his red mane which looked groomed and well kept, which was rare for Kion. A cold chill began to blow through the Pride Lands, cooling the two down to an uncomfortable temperature. Kion noticed that Fuli was beginning to shiver to do her thinner fur, and she was trying to hide it. He decides to pull the cheetah towards him to keep her warm. She was about to question her friend's choice, but something stopped her, and it wasn't the fact that she felt much warmer. While in Kion's hold, she feels his well defined muscles that are hidden beneath his fur. His which was somewhat neat for once. For someone so strong, and for being the fiercest in the Pride Lands, his movements were very gentle and cautious. He held her tight enough to keep generating heat, but loose enough to let her rotate and spin should she choose too. "What about you Fuli? Think you'll find love?"

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя