Part 2-Chapter 9: Home is Where the Heart is

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The Lion Guard marched towards the Outlands, escorted by a large group of Outlanders and the lions from earlier. Fuli kept looking around at her friends, a look of defeat and fear showing on their faces. She couldn't lie, she too was nervous for the future.

Fuli studied the lions that were escorting them, they looked nothing like any of the lions from Simba's Pride. She could tell they were highly skilled by how easily they picked apart the guard and captured the royal family.

The sun was just beginning to set over the Pride Lands, 'ironic,' Fuli thought to herself as they crossed the border into the Out Lands.

"The last time I was here I was kidnapped by Janja," Kiara said as she tried to lighten the mood.

"Last time I was here was to save you," Fuli replied with the same energy as the princess.

"I remember that, I've never seen Kion roar like that, he was not happy," the princess replied as she recalled that day.

"He wasn't, you should've seen his face when he heard you were taken, I've never seen him so angry."

"I have, he was furious after that day you almost got attacked by Mizingo and his parliament. He was not happy when he came back to Pride Rock, vented about it forever. He also didn't sleep well that night either, tossed and turned all night long."

"Really? He never told me."

"There's a lot he didn't tell you," Kiara said as they entered the volcano. They reached the center of the volcano where Scar's head of fire was waiting with an evil grin.

"Welcome Lion Guard, Kiara. Nala, how you've grown. And Simba, how nice it is to see you again," Scar gloated. "I see you are still missing Kion, a true shame, isn't it?"

"You aren't real Scar, you are just a spirit, that's why you can only appear in fire," Simba points out. Scar's grin disappeared but was quickly replaced with an even more devious expression.

"Simba, Simba, still so naive. You think you know everything..." he begins as the fire disappears, revealing his actual living, breathing body. "But truly, you know nothing."

"But how? It's impossible to bring back the dead," Simba stammered.

"Not impossible Simba, just unnatural. I've been waiting for my glorious moment to return, and know that I have, I've defieled your precious Circle of Life, I can now even manipulate it . Everyone, meet my old Lion Guard," Scar gloated as the three lions around Scar all bowed. "Now, I hope you all enjoy your stay here, you will be here for the foreseeable future."

They all turn and follow the Outlanders towards a separate cave system before they are stopped by Scar.

"But Fuli, you may stay behind, you and I are going"


"It's a little tight," Kion complained as Rén de tightened the vine holding Kion's armor in place.

"Do you want it coming off in battle? I'd hope not," the chimpanzee huffed as he continued to adjust the armor. "There, now try to shake it off."

Kion did as he was told, and tired vigorously to shake the armor off, but the vine held tight and his armor barely even shifted.

"Wow, is holding on very well," Kion said surprised.

"As if there was any doubt. Now, to take it off you pull here and unsnap..."

Kion's ears perked up as he thought he could hear a distant cry of pain, a cry that sounded very familiar.

"Did you guys hear that?" Kiom asked, confused.

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now