Chalter 6: Only the Beginning

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It's been a week since Kion got severely injured in the fire. Fuli has only eaten once since Kion got hurt, and she still blames herself for what happened. She still went on patrol, but as soon it was over, she went straight back to Kion's side, she spent every night sleeping next to him, wishing he would wake up soon, or at all for that matter. One night after patrol, she came back and sat next to Kion, still unresponsive, she began to upset herself. "I should've never left your side, what kind of second in command am I?" She thought to herself, how would Kion cheer her up? She had an idea, "I hope you're listening Kion."

"When life leaves you high and dry
I'll be at your door tonight if you need help, if you need help
I'll shut down the Pride Land lights,
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe to make you well, to make you well
When enemies are at your door I'll carry you way from more
If you need help, if you need help
Your hope dangling by a string
Ill share in your suffering to make you well, to make you well
Give me reasons to believe,
That you would do the same for me
And I would do it for you, for you
Baby I'm not moving on
I love you long after you're gone
For you, for you
You would never sleep alone
I love you long after you're gone
And long after you're gone, gone, gone."

Her smile fades as she finishes the song. She looks over at the unconscious lion cub, burn marks still partially visible through his fur. His eyes were closed, but seemed to be relaxed as if he wasn't in the same pain he was the day of the accident. His breathing was much more stable besides for the occasional quiver here and there. She looks down at the ground,still blaming herself. She should've done something to help him, instead she froze up. "I'm sorry Kion," she whispers.

"Sorry for what Fuli," a voice replies.

"Kion, you're ok," cries Fuli. She looks up to see the lion's eyes barely open, his ears moving around, and a faint smile on his face.

"Yup, even though I can't really feel anything."

Fuli smiles, "I'm glad your sense of humor survived."

"What even happened?" He asked. Fuli's smile begins to disappear as she recalls the events of that day.

"You got caught in the fire after you saved me, we took you back to the lair and had Rafiki tend to you, he took care of the burns you acquired, but you inhaled a lot of smoke, we didn't know if you'd make it or not. It was all my fault, I should've helped you, I shouldn't have your side I..."

"Fuli." Fuli stopped and looked over at Kion who had a much more prominent smile. His voice was soft yet firm. He slowly sits up and takes a deep breath. "You can blame yourself for what happened. I have a duty to the Pride Lands, and that's to protect it, but I also have a responsibility to protect my team, my friends, my family." He picks her head up with his paw. For such a strong lion, his touch was gentle. He looks her in the eyes and smiles, "I'll always protect you guys, no matter what,I promise, even if it cost my own life." For a second they just look into each other's eyes and savor a moment with each in silence. The moment was interrupted by busy Kion's family entering the Lair. The two quickly separated and sat a small distance apart.

"Kion you're awake!" They yell. Rafiki follows shortly after the royal family.

"I'm glad you are awake Kion, your injuries were pretty bad. I'm glad you are awake, but you will still be out of action for another week or two."

"But Rafiki, I have to..." He was interrupted by Rafiki's staff meeting the top of his head, but somehow avoiding his burn marks.

"You need rest, and that is finally," Rafiki states. A sigh of defeat escapes Kion as Rafiki leaves. His family is still present as well as Fuli.

"Kion, come up to Pride Rock later tonight, we have a surprise for you, but we need to prepare," says Nala. "We can talk more later tonight." Kion nods to show he understands. His family smiles and leaves the young cheetah and lion alone. Kion weakly stands you, the burns on his legs cause him slight pain, but he continues to move anyway.

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin