choices (21)

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"Now go to class."

I groaned.

"Fine, but you owe me tonight."

I longed for the rest of the day to go by faster so I could be with Draco. That dream had scared me. I felt scared every time I thought of Dumbledore. Most of all, I longed to talk to someone about my relationship with Draco.

Ever since I broke up with Harry, my relationship with Ron and Hermione had been strained. I no longer talked to them much unless it was necessary. Hermione was basically the only one I would have been able to talk to since she understood the whole Draco, Harry, Dumbledore and Voldemort relationship.

But I couldn't tell her.  I was in love with the enemy, the bad guy. In this war, I could only pick one side. I didn't know which to choose. A world with Voldemort under control would lead to death and destruction. A world without Voldemort would be much better but I would be betraying Draco. Whichever side I chose, I would be betraying someone. I didn't want to do that, but I knew I had to make my choice soon and I pray that it would be the right one.

On my way to dinner, I spotted Draco with Pansy Parkison. They looked like they were arguing. I felt relieved at that until she placed her arms around his waist.

I felt my temper began to rise. I knew Draco wasn't going to hug her back but I hated seeing her all over him. So I did the one thing I knew how to do.

"MALFOY!" I yelled at him. He and Pansy both looked up at me. She narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip on him while he motioned that he had done nothing.

"Something you want Cornwall?" Pansy asked meanly "As you can see, we're a bit busy."

Ignoring her, I focused my gaze on Malfoy "Snape wants to see us in his office. Now."

He nodded and broke out of Pansy's hold. He started walking away. I turned to follow him but was held back by someone grabbing my arm.

"Where are you going?" Pansy asked sharply.

"I'm going with him of course," I responded nonchalantly, as if me going off with Draco was the most normal thing in the world.

"Why?" She gripped onto my hand even tighter.  

"Did you not hear me? I said that Snape needed to see US in his office. Now!" I flung her hand off and walked away with Draco.

"Well I'm following you," she persisted.

I nearly groaned in frustration. How the hell was I supposed to get rid of this girl?

"Suit yourself," I said icily.

Draco raised his eyebrow but didn't question me. The long walk to the dungeon was killing me. What was Snape going to say when we show up at his office for no reason? Also, Pansy was really starting to bug me. She had attached herself to Draco's arm and didn't look like she planned on letting go. He managed to stay quiet about it though.

"Aren't we such a perfect couple," Pansy sighed "Don't you think so Cornwall?"

I clenched one of my hands into a fist, wanting to punch her. Instead, I unclenched my fist and replied sweetly.

"I always thought that Draco Malfoy could do better. Guess I was wrong."

Pansy scowled angrily while Draco stifled a laugh.

"Oh really Amand- Cornwall?" he fake sneered. "And who do you think you would be able to get?"

I pretended to think about it for a minute. "Well, I did go out with Harry Potter who in my opinion is the best kisser ever." I winked at them. Draco frowned this time while Pansy guffawed.

"How would you know? You've never kissed anyone else," she pointed out.

I caught Draco's eye "You'd be surprised."

Finally we reached Snape's office. 

"Well, you can leave us now Parkison. Snape wants to see us alone," I said, trying to get rid of her.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Fine...Bye Drakey Wakey."

Draco grimaced when she called her that. I tried very hard not to laugh.

"Bye Cornwall," Pansy said meanly.

I waved, fearful of opening my mouth in case I started laughing.

When I was sure she was out of range, I started laughing. I collapsed to the floor, gasping for air.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked dryly.

"Oh nothing Drakey Wakey," I mimicked then burst out laughing again.

"Oh shut up," he grabbed my hand and hoisted me up "Snape doesn't really want to see us does he?"

"No," I scoffed "I was just trying to get you away from her. I'm still mad at you by the way."

"Because she hugged me?" He chuckled "Well if that's the case then I'm mad at you for saying that Potter is the better kisser."

"Maybe he is," I joked.  He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. His lips were soft and moist. I parted my lips and his tongue roamed around my mouth. I brought his head closer to mine and ran my fingers through his soft hair. The kiss was so passionate that my knees became weak. When we finally broke apart, he just looked at me lovingly then winked.

"Let's go back to the room of requirement," I suggested, wanting to just lie in his arms. He held my hand as we walked up away from the dungeons.

Suddenly we heard footsteps.

"Professor Snape, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your office?" we heard Pansy ask.

Draco and I both froze,our hearts beating frantically as we wondered what to do next.

I quickly turned my head to face him.



Finally i uploaded

yeh i know the dream thing was such a predictable twist >< I'll think of something better nxt time

was away at the beach this whole week, managed to get to an internet cafe and read all your comments

thnx guys! but my rank on the whats hot list had dropped :( lets get it back up again!

Vote and comment!

Choices ( a Draco Malfoy love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang