LXII. Soaring the Sky

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Ava's POV:

Opportunities don't come to those who wait.

It comes to those who are willing to pursue it, crave for it.

With Thanksgiving passing, another game was set in motion. Luke Parker, the quarterback, was leading us closer and closer to the championship.

With a single thrust, I flew in the air, listening to the cheering of the crowds. A smile appeared on my face as I felt the wind rush through every fiber of my body. My wings spread widely, temporarily, before the heavyweight of gravity rejects my defiance.

The stands are filled with people, waving their hands and homemade signs. The random outburst from the crowd made it hard for me to hear. I can smell the hot dogs, popcorn, and pizza being sold at the concession stand, making my stomach rumble.

I didn't eat because I was getting too anxious.

Plus, the thought of possibly puking when being flung into the air wasn't appealing.

The marching band left the field with the player's last note still ringing in my ear. I don't know which is more irritating, the hunger or the fake smiles. Both hurts.

My inner foodwhore was clawing its way out.

Mary placed a hand on my shoulder, "It will be a little while before we need to go on again. So, why don't you take a rest? You look a little st-"

"What did you say?" I shouted, barely hearing her whispers due to the crowd.

"I said, maybe you shou-"

"I think I'm going to grab a quick snack!" I screamed, still unable to hear what she said. Mary exhaled and smiled, nodding her head.

Reaching the concession stand, I was able to sweet-talk the guy into making my order before everyone else. I can't help it! My inner foodwhore is taking over!

Trevon, Ben, and basically everyone else isn't into football games, so they never attend. They laughed in my face when I asked them to come, so here I am, alone.

When he hands me the hot dog, I lick my lower lip before winking at him. I walk away, knowing I shouldn't put any condiments on it. Sadly, I can't eat the whole thing either. So, I broke it in half and decided to save the other half.

I moaned as the hot dog entered my mouth.

"Can I consider this a preview of our future?"

My smile fell flat, and I opened my eyes to meet a smirking face, "What do you want, Carrillo?" I asked, still with the hot dog inside my mouth.

His face grimaced at my lack of decency. He stood up from the bench across from me, and I swallowed as he inches closer. Seth pressed a palm against the table and leaned downward, "Did you think I forgot?"

I grinned, "Forgot what?"

"You stole my motorcycle."

"Apparently, I stole your heart too," I said sarcastically, wanting to smack his face.

The edge of his lip curls upward, "I sleep with a nightlight."

I can hear another roar from the crowd. The game hasn't even started, "What?"

"I thought we are talking truth."

"Your heart must be so big to be able to contain so many girls."

"My heart isn't the only thing that's big." He leans in closer, and I can pick up his musky scent, "I told you, I don't like Mina that way. How long are you going to keep that up?"

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