V. Detention with Parker

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Ava's POV:

I grab the sheet and tear it, shredding it into a million pieces. I'm not dumb enough to walk around with my life plan - people can find it. Then, they will start bullying me, and I'm forced to slap them around until they learn not to step on anyone else's toes.

I guess I'm still a bitch, no matter what age I am.

Old habits are hard to change.

One class after another, and I feel incredibly grateful not to run into Luke again.

I smile, seeing Trevon standing against the lockers with his little geeky friends, "Trev! Trev!" I shouted, rushing towards him. Everyone looks at me, and the smiles drop from their faces. I tucked the rebellious strand behind my ear, "Want to have lunch together, bro?"

Everyone was quiet, staring at me.

I batted my lashes, ignoring the awkward tension, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends Trev?"

Finally, I turned towards the other two guys, and my smile dropped when it met with a familiar pair of brown eyes. He tilts his head ever so slightly before the smile widens, but he doesn't say anything. We continued doing a stare-off until Trevon got uncomfortable." Uh, Ben and Eli...This is my twin sister...Ava," he replies.

That explains why Eli knows my name.

Ben and Eli continue to stare at me.

Trevon grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from them. "What are you doing?" he whispers.

"I'm asking if you want to have lunch together." I peek past Trevon. "Maybe with your friends too." I wave my hand.

Ben and Eli return my wave like robots.

Trevon pulls me back, "I don't know what kind of game you're pulling, but stop it."

"I'm not playing any games. I...just want us to have lunch together."

Trevon taps his finger against his chin, puckering his lips as his eyes roam towards the ceiling. "The answer is...no."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a fucking loser, remember?"

"Says who?" I ask.



"You said I was a loser in freshman year and threatened to shave my head if I ever sat with you during lunch," he responds bitterly. "Now, if you excuse me, this loser must go with his fugly friends," he snarls, reminding me of the words I told him.

I swallow, "I didn't mean it."

He rolls his eyes, "Sure you didn't," he said, walking away from me.

I stood there, staring at his back while it slowly disappeared down the crowded hallway. I didn't know what to feel, but the discomforting twist in my stomach suggests that I need to get my crap together.

"Bye!" Eli shouted, waving at me.

I smile and return his wave. "Bye," I mumbled underneath my breath.

With my head hung low, I walk down the hall. I decided to walk in the opposite direction, despite my next class being on the other side. I supposed it's my fault; after all, I was the one who told him to stay away.

"Look at that loser," Winnie snickered.

I turned around, seeing Trevon walking down the hallway without any shoes with two of his friends. Everyone burst out laughing when he turned around with the word - loser - spray paint across his shirt.

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