XXXII. Least of Problems

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Ava's POV:

I broke rule number ten.

But, I still uphold rule numbers 1 to 9.

Is that good enough?

That's 90%, which is still an A. Also, considering how we're not in a full relationship. I'll only deduct half a mark so, technically, I'm at 95%.

If I said that out loud and recorded it.

I'll hear the sound of stupidity.

I unravel Eli's scarf than my own. Rushing my fingers down the scarves, I hung it beside the front door.

Eli places his shoes on the shoe rack, "It seems like Trev isn't going to be back tonight."

That's what I'm afraid of.

How can I explain to my parents about my brother's friend's sleepover when my brother isn't there?

Then again, Eli is my friend too.

So, it should be okay...right?

My eyes lurk towards the keys hanging on the wall. Maybe, I'll drive him back tonight.

Eli stretches his limbs and yawns.

It's half-past two.

For the first time, I felt like a teenager again. I was sneaking a boy into the house without my parent's permission.

"So," Eli whispered. "What do you want to do with me?"

He must have noticed my internal conflict. My grip tightens on the scarves.

Eli chuckles, "I'm playing around Av. I'll sleep in Trev's room, and in the morning, we can tell your parents that Trev left early to meet Mina."

I look at him, "That doesn't-"

"We'll use her moving as an excuse. How he's worried about their relationship."

That's actually a damn good excuse.

He smiles, "Unless you're thinking of something else."

I place a finger on his forehead and push him away. "You know the way to Trev's room."

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try, right?"

As expected, nothing happened that night, and in the morning, things went according to plan.

"Poor Trevon," mom said. "Mina is really moving?"

Eli nods before he scoops up another spoonful of eggs. "Yeah. He's really bummed about it."

Mom got up from her seat, "This won't do."

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm going to go bake him some cookies." Mom looks at dad, "Go scoop up the snow."

The fork slipped from his hand, "What?"

"Well, who else would do it? My broken-hearted son?" She gave him a disgusted look before leaving the dining room.

Dad glanced at Eli, who stopped eating his eggs. His eyes traveled up, and he grinned widely. "So, Trevon left early in the morning, huh."

Eli nods, "Yes, sir."

He ran his tongue across his cheek before his eyes traveled towards me. "Hm." Dad stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Eli turns his head towards me, "Your dad looks like he's about to murder me."

"For someone who is supposed to be a victim. You look delighted."

Eli's smile only spread wider, "I never thought I would make a dad's hit list."

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