XXXI. I'm Not a Good Girl

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Ava's POV:

The school was quiet.

The mindless blurs passed by me while my robotic body functions. I forced a smile onto my face; to avoid the questions. I laughed; to hide the tears creeping on the edge of my eyes. I push myself to socialize; to overcome the loneliness.

"Stop it," Trevon would say before he hugs me.

I cried in the library when he said that. "Please, don't push me away," he whispered, "I'm sad too."

"Miss Makee." Mr.Nocella tapped his book against my desk. I look up to see everyone staring at me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, considering how I've been calling you for the last five minutes-"

I shook my head, "I'm so sorry. I've-" I don't want to talk about it. "My mind isn't functioning correctly right now." Some people chuckled. I mustered a smile with all my effort.

Mr.Nocella looks at me momentarily before he sighs and taps my head with the booklet. "Pay attention everyone because what I'm about to say will be on the next exam."

When the bell rang, I looked down to see my notebook empty. My classmates hurriedly packed their bags and left the classroom while I took my time. Mr.Nocella stood in front of me and sighed, "Did I not tell everyone what I said will be on the exam?" he questioned, looking downward to see the blank pages.

I quickly pack up, "I'm sorry, Mr.Nocella-" He handed me a notebook, and I stopped talking. Steadily, I took it and opened up the front cover to see today's notes.

"Feel better," Mr.Nocella said, before going back to his desk. "Remember, exams wait for no one."

Holding the notebook in my hands, I couldn't help but smile as I slipped it inside my backpack. Slipping on my jacket, I warm my hands inside the pockets, getting ready to go to my next destination.

"Oh, Miss Makee?" Mr.Nocella said, and I stopped walking. He had his hands pressed against the desk as his face leaned upward. I noticed how there was a light shade across his jawline. The tip of his tongue ran across the upper lip before it halted halfway. "Keep this between us? I don't want the other students to think I'm unfairly giving you special treatment."

I bit my lower lip to hold back the smile as he continuously taps his foot. My legs began motioning backward towards the doorway. "It's our little secret."

Mr.Nocella merely shook his head as I made my way out.

After school, Trevon and I went back to the hospital to visit mom. Eli and Mary offered to come as support, but we rejected their request stating how we need some personal family time.

Sitting inside the Dr.LaTorre office, my stomach felt like it could do a backflip. I couldn't help but listen to the torturous ticking of the clock, "I recommend Trevon and Ava doing a full check-up."

"There is nothing wrong with my children, right?" Dad spurted out.

Trevon and I looked at each other, but we didn't say a single word.

Quickly, Dr.LaTorre shook his head, "I'm merely recommending a check-up to ensure everything is okay. That's all. You should take one too, Mr.Makee."

My palms were sweating.

I didn't want to do it.

I don't want to do a checkup.

Checkups are one of the things I avoided ever since I graduated from high school. I never wanted to admit that there may be something wrong with me.

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