IV. The Inches Matter

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Ava's POV:

I slam my body against the lockers in the corner of the hallway and tilt my body until Luke passes by. Throwing my hood over my head, I close my eyes, huddling into a turtle-like position.

I can feel the burning critical stares drilling itself in the back of my head. I didn't care much for them because that is all they can do - stare at me. High school students are like children with an extra dosage of steroids.

They are unreasonable and out of control when feeling threatened, but they can't do much. Give them a little praise, and they will bow out of the battle.

For boys, all you need is to brush your fingers against their imaginary biceps, and they will fall on their knees. For girls, words of agreement are all they want. It's not what they need, but when you feel like the world is against you - which is quite frequent for a teenager - you merely want someone to listen to your minor problems.

The mumbling sound around me in regards to Luke and his pals dial down slowly. When no one was talking about him anymore, I looked up and released a deep breath.

I stand up, gripping onto the straps of my backpack, "Let's see - Junior year. Luke and I have two classes together. AP Calculus because he decided to take AP Statistics in his sophomore year." I stop walking, "Wait, or do we have AP English together because I'm actually decent in writing...or do we have P.E together?"

Standing in the middle of the hallway, I scratch my head, attempting to remember his schedule but fail miserably. I lean against the lockers, and look around, seeing only a few students leftover. "Was it two classes we have together or one? Maybe, we have none? No, wait that's senior year when he graduates," I continued mumbling to myself, pointing fingers in the air.

I heave a sigh before walking towards the cafeteria, where they were handing out the class schedules. Glancing at the line, I groan. I'm sure that waiting is a type of torture I imagine Satan establish in hell when he runs out of creative ideas to torture humans.

Going on my toes, I saw four sections with each holding five tables each. There are ten excruciatingly long lines per table. I sway back and forth until I find the first letter of my last name. "A-H, nope, not me." I grumble to myself, and move left, "There we go, I-M," I nod to myself, "I belong there." Elegantly, I slide into the line, grateful that it's moving faster than I anticipated. Then again, by junior year, everyone should already know each other.

Turning my head, I saw Luke at the senior sections with his friends. Quickly, I tilt my head to the other direction and sidestep behind a guy. He looked down at me, and I smiled at him, but he didn't respond. "Stupid Ava, of course, he needs to get his class schedule too." I self scorn while shaking my head.

"Hey! Wood! You're over here!" a chubby cheeks guy yells towards my direction.

"I'm coming! I'm helping a pretty girl hide from someone!" the guy in front of me screams back. He looked down and gave me a thumb up.

I groan, pressing my fingers against my temple. "Thank you."

Wood smiled at me before resuming to the game boy in front of him; while I continued hiding. One by one, we move forward. I began getting bored of waiting, so I decided to peek over Wood's shoulder. His fingers pressed against the buttons with instant motions, while his eyes concentrated on the colorful screen.


He pauses the game and tilts his head towards me, "What did you say?"

Shoot. Did I say that out loud? I stood there, staring up at him, which isn't much of a problem since there isn't much of a difference between our height, "I said...jump."

To My Future Cheating HusbandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon