LX. Youth and Hormones

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"I heard you broke up with Eli."

I didn't break up with Eli.

"No one will call you mute if you don't talk."

Seth leaned against the lockers and crossed his arms, "You know it's June, right?"

"You know the month, good for you. Would you like a trophy?"

He turned towards me and slammed my locker shut. How rude. "I'm not going to fight with you because I know you're not happy right now and you're using me as an outlet."

I glared at him, "Am not!"

Okay, maybe a little.

"But you should know that lashing out at me won't solve anything."

Seth refused to budge from his statement and with my inflexible behavior, I didn't either.

"What's going on here?" That would be Winnie.

"Nothing," I said.

Beside Winnie were Ben and Trevon. It's a good thing Eli isn't here. He's been having a hard time swallowing the fact that Seth has been around more than necessary. And right now, I dont need the headache.

"Hey," Trevon said. "Um- did you get a chance to talk to Mina?"

What did Trevon do now?

Seth pats his shoulder, "Bro. It was one date."

I looked at Winnie, who made direct eye contact with me.

"What date?" I asked.

"He's worried because Mina is dating now," Seth replied.

Look at Mina and her newfound confidence.

Good for her.

Trevon scratched his head, "I'm just worried for her because you never know what weirdo is out there."

"Like you." Winnie had to say it.

Trevon glared at her, "At least I'm not a control freak!"

And then, it starts.

"What did you say, yah loud mouth pussy for dick weirdo?"

"You heard what this loudmouth said! Ben can't even breathe without your permission!"

"Breathing is a reflexive response! I can't control that dumbskull!" You can tell Winnie's insults are heavily influenced by Ben.

"It was an exaggerated example!"

"Now. Now." Ben got in between them. "Let's chill for a second before either of you do something that makes me question all my life decisions."

"Oh-" Big mistake Ben. "You're questioning your life decision?" Winnie spat out. "Do you also question being with me?"

"Honey Bun that's not it." Winnie smacks Ben's hands away.

Trevon rolled his eyes and steered his attention away from the spatting couple.

"Whatever. " Winnie stomped away.

"Dude," Ben said.

"I don't know why you're with her!" Trevon rebuttal, "You can do better."

"No, I can't!" Ben gave him a stupid look, "It's a miracle that Winnie wants me!"

"Ben." Seth pats his shoulder, "Don't think that."

I nudge Seth's waist.


I glared at him.

"It's sad," he whispered.

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