XIII. Plumber Prince

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Ava's POV:

Not too long after, it was time for the winter ball.

"You need next weekend off?" Mr.Nocella asks.

I nod, "Yeah. I promised some friends that I'll go to the winter ball with them. I can still be here Sunday if you need me."

Mr.Nocella nods, "Alright. I'll see you Sunday then."

"Sorry for the late notice," I said. "It slipped my mind. It won't happen in the future."

Mr.Nocella smiles, "Don't worry about it, Miss Makee. You're young. Go enjoy your life."

I return his smile, "Thank you so much."

I feel like Mr.Nocella, and I are forming a good relationship. With more time, it'll only grow better. Perhaps, it's because he was good to me compared to everyone else. But, there's also the fact that he's an adult. Sometimes, it does get difficult attempting to relate to kids your age when your mentality has lived well over forty years.

After the babysitting weekend, filled with art projects and scooping leaves out of the pool, it was time for school.

"What's wrong with you?" Trevon asks.

I set my head against the glass and yawn, "Nothing."

Since I babysit in the morning and afternoon, I used my evenings to study. Not being in school for almost twenty years can make a person forgetful. Then, during the weekday, there's cheer practice after school. It may not sound much, but it does take a toll on the body.

Since I'm mentally an adult, conversing with teenagers can sometimes be tiring. But whenever I'm with an adult, such as a teacher, they would treat me like any other teenager. And when I'm with my parents, I'm their baby.

It's a tricky stage.

A hand pats my back.

I look up, "What is it?"

"Take it slow," Trevon said.


His hand went back to the wheel, "You're too hard on yourself," he said. "You need to slow down and enjoy the moment."

Do I look like someone who had been rushing through life? It's not like I'm forcing myself to skip the teenage years. I'm merely prepping for the future. A pleasant stable future.

Then, it hits. Trevon is right. I am rushing through my youth.

All this time, I've been planning for a better future that I forgot to live in the present.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" I ask.

He gave me a side glance, "Not to tote my own horn, but I see things too." His chest puffed up, "Of course, I would notice it when my baby sister is stressed out."

"Really?" I question. "And here I thought only one person occupies your brain."

He smiles, "Mina is my girlfriend. You're my sister."

I settled an elbow against the door frame, "And if you had to choose between us?" It was meant to be a joke, but somehow, there's an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. The reason was apparent.

"Of course I picked her," he replied. The discomfort only escalates. "She doesn't snitch on me like a certain someone."

I puff my cheeks, "Whatever." I can't tell him I feel sad hearing those words from him, even as a joke. So, what else can I do except brush it off?

I exhale quietly in the middle of class.

Shelbie's eyes flicked toward me, "What's wrong?" she whispers.

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