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At first he thought it was only a trick of the eye, but when it didn't go away he knew it was real. 

It came into view slightly at the edge of the window. 

A brown, bald, prune-textured skinned head came into view, at first it only lingered for a second then returned out of sight.

But then it came back into view, this time it stayed and slowly began moving into the center of the window. Revealing more features; the head had little scattered strands of squiggly hair, that seemed to resemble an elderly person's excuse for hair. 

Suddenly, Tobias realized that there was another noise coming from this thing as well, it sounded like a frog. And then another noise joined it, but it came from closer to the corner of the wall, it sounded like a cat screeching in pain, but quieter. As the thing on the other side of the window moved, it's head seemed to bounce and move back and forth.

Then it came into full view, stepping out from behind the wall. 

The skin on it's legs seemed to be wrapped around it's slender long muscles, it's feet were like an old man's, for it's veins lined the circumference of it. The toenails were long, however, there didn't appear to be any toe's that they went into. It's legs were bended, in a way that looked like a squat, but it's legs were longer and skinnier than a humans. The middle of the thing had a lack of features, looking more like a neck connecting it's bottom half to it's top half. It's arms were similar to the leg's in the way the skin stuck to the slender muscles and the nails seemed to protrude from it's hands like claws. The veins were very prominent on the top of the hands and in the literal neck of the creature. It's head hung low, as it protruded from the hungover neck. It's wide eyes; bright neon green. The top of it's head looked like a normal sized human head, but lower down it curved out to an elongated football shape. It's jaw, however, curved in. It's razor sharp teeth lined its gray, brownish mouth, but the thing didn't have lips. It's pointed ears jutted out from the sides made it look like somebody had dropped an anvil on it's head, after which it never recovered. Another lightning strike reveals the color of the thing to be not just brown, but also a tint of pale gray.

A black squiggly tongue, like a snake's, emerges out of its mouth, this movement startles Tobias out of his paralyzed state, realizing now that he was in plain sight of the creature. Tobias's jerking movement in the dirt, had caused the creature to jerk it's head in his direction, it opens its mouth and lets out a noise that sounded like it's breath whistling through its teeth, finishing in a hiss.

 Tobias puts his head down on the ground, facing the dirt, not even daring to risk having the whites of his eyes visible. Hoping that some way this would hide him better. Then the sound of it's footsteps drew closer. Tobias had to fight the urge to wet himself he was so scared, fearing that any sound or movement at all would heighten the already high chances that he would be seen. 

Suddenly Tobias feels something around the back of his head and neck, then he is being involuntarily brought to his feet. As he rises off the ground he can't control himself anymore, he let's go and wets himself.

 As he rises he sees the creature's feet first, than it's stretched disgusting legs, it's flat stomach, then the face. It's mouth was now drooling. The creature's eyes seemed to capture and trap Tobias's soul in them. The creature now seemed to laugh. He realized now that he was being held up by it, he could feel one of it's nails digging into the back of his shoulder. 

Trying to break the eye contact from the thing, it now came to his attention that the thing wasn't alone. Tobias was now horrifyingly aware of his surroundings now. Behind the thing and now surrounding him, was a whole pack of these things, all looking the same as the one that held him up, he could hear their disgusting breathing all around him. It was so disgusting, it started making Tobias feel like he himself was now gross, like he needed a shower. 

The claustrophobia of being so enclosed by this group of disgusting creatures made Tobias also realize that the top of his shins still touched the ground. Than it occurred to him that these things looked similar to the Orcs that were described in Tolkien's books. But these things looked much worse than that, this was probably due to the fact that they were lethally close to him though. 

Tobias, despite not expecting a response, cried out inquiring what they wanted with him. 

The group cackled. Then the one holding Tobias spoke, it's voice sounding raspy and like an echo. The thing expressed how amused it was by how naive Tobias was, and yet, it still did not say why they were so amused. 

Tobias grew angry and demanded an explanation. 

The creature cocked it's head sideways, and drew it's other clawed hand up and brought it to his chest. Tobias batted it's hand away, but then two of the other creatures from the group came and grabbed his arms and held them back. The claw tears down the middle of his shirt with the talon. Tobias squirms as this happens and the talon, as a result, goes off course and makes a cut in his skin near the lower part of his stomach. 

The creature stops it's talon's trajectory and stares at his stomach, where blood begins to ooze out. Tobias notices that the other creatures are doing the same. He cries out in fear, this snaps the creature out of it's trance and it's eyes return back to staring into Tobias's.

In the Land of The DamnedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon