Chapter 19 (fully edited) 1813

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The flashing lights with sirens were always a bad sign. I was getting pulled over, or there was a medical emergency. There was only one other time that I saw those flashing siren lights with my mother. I was suddenly brought to tears which wasn't surprising since I was drunk, but I was reminded of that same pain I experienced not too long ago. I got home, and Marissa laid me on the couch and went next door. She started knocking on his door.

"Lee? Lee, are you there?"

It seemed like the house was completely vacant. Lee either wasn't home or didn't want to answer the door. He'd been either ignoring my texts or had disappeared. I tried to text him and dropped my phone. Marissa picked it up and texted him.

"Lee, this is Marissa. Kylie, well she got drunk, and I was jw can u come to watch her for me?"

But unfortunately, he didn't respond. Marissa looked at me seriously.

"NO," I said because I knew what she was thinking. Not my father.

"Kylie, you have no other choice!"

"I barely know him, I just met him, and what if all the stuff my mom said about him was true!?"

"Will it make you more comfortable if I stay with you?" Marissa said as she was very concerned.

"Yes," I said with slurred speech.

Marissa put me back in her car, and she buckled me up. She put on her seatbelt and drove to my father's apartment. He had moved from the hotel to a more permanent place. She helped me inside the building. She asked me what apartment was his, and I couldn't remember. She checked the mailboxes and found his apartment which had his name on it. She proceeded to knock on the door until my father answered.


"Hi, dad," I said while laughing and stumbling into his apartment drunkenly.

"I can't have her alone, and she can't be at my house. My mom would literally kill me. You don't have to worry about watching her though I will. I can stay to watch her and keep her safe."

"Okay? I don't really have a choice. She is my daughter!"

"Yes, just tell Kylie and me to leave if you don't want us here," Marissa said curiously because she couldn't understand his tone.

"No, I want to help her, her mother raised her basically, and I want to help her now because she really needs it," my dad said.

"She really wants me to stay here for the night, so I'm going to do that. Kylie and I can crash on the bed or the floor. It doesn't really matter to me. Kylie is going to remain awake for a while though. So we will talk if that's okay?" Marissa questioned my father.

"I'm not worried," he said smiling and looking at her admiringly.

My father went to the other room and went back to bed. "Try to keep it quiet, gals," he said as he turned off the hallway light. I was kind of rambling and muttering all this information in my mind. It all just kind of spilled out of my mouth. I wondered why Lee had to go. Where was my mother? Why was my father suddenly back in my life? Nothing Marissa could answer. I finally asked for something Marissa could help with. Water. So she got up and got water for me.


"Yea, Kylie," she asked.

"Why doesn't Mystery man text me back anymore?" 

"Is there something maybe he didn't like?" She questioned.

"I told him I have this horrible disease. He said it wasn't a big deal and told me about his ex-girlfriend. How he loved her and how he was attached to me. How he actually thought Lee still loved me and how I didn't see it because I loved him back and denied everything. In a lot of ways, Lee is very much like Mystery man.

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