Chapter 21 (fully edited) 1960

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She sat down by me and hadn't said a word. She stared directly ahead, making a few glances back at me. I was wondering why she didn't say anything because she normally does. She normally would provoke me by calling me Waidy or yelling at me. Or pass me a note throughout the class. To irritate me.

"Hey," I said.

"Fraidy? You look good!" She said with widened eyes.

"Thanks, I guess," sounding confused.


"I gotta tell you something, and I hope you still respect me, I'm not only Kylie, but I'm also that girl Kyrenia from the party before."

"Well, you got a nice voice."

The teacher intervened. "You guys shouldn't be talking during class; it is learning time. While we are talking, let me introduce you to the new student, who has been attending only art classes here. Kylie Smith."

I paid attention to the rest of the class, but all l I could think of was Kyle. I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend after school since he would pick me up from school. Neisha pulled me aside in the hallway, and people walked past us, bumping into us.

"So, Kylie or Kyrina?" she said while crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" I said because I was confused.

"Are you Kylie or Kyrenia?" she said with an attitude.

"I'm both, but I need the chance to tell people myself. I hide from the public eye because I'm ashamed of who I am. I'm trying to blend in, but I'm not meant to be in the blender. I'm like a spoon that mixes the blended fruits in a smoothie, and I can't be put back into the blender."

"Why hide away, Kylie? I wish I had half the confidence you had; I don't know how you saw past all that hate I had for you. I'm jealous because you have nothing, but at the same time, you seem like you have everything. I wish I could act as you do. You made me jealous of you. I came to say that I would like to be your friend." Neisha said this to me, making me feel much better at school. I still wasn't sure I could completely trust her, but I nodded to her request.

"I hide because of my disease," I said. Everyone looked at me. I didn't want to be the center of attention, but I was. I couldn't deal with it, so I ran out the school doors with people who murmured and gossiped about me. I wanted it to be a slow transition, so they had me at a few classes the first day, and the next couple of weeks, more classes would be added until I was back to full-time.

Kyle was waiting in his normal facemask at the school's front doors to pick me up. I didn't see Lee anywhere, which was good because I wasn't nervous about showing my feelings for Kyle.

"Hey, Kylie. I missed you." Kyle said while he moved his hand off the shifting gear and held my hand. He started driving.

"You're sweet," I said, while my face turned red like a rose."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I got something special planned for us tonight, so I want you to go home and dress up."

"Do you mind if we go to Marissa's house? She has all the clothes you would consider dressing up in."

"Oh yeah. Sure, no problem" he glanced at me. He looked back at the road.

He drove slowly and even stopped at a nearby gas station taking his time to get there. He took a long time in there, but when he came out, he looked back into my eyes and smiled.

"I got something for you, but it's not your favorite; it's my favorite."

"What do you mean?" I said as I attempted to see what was in the bag. I leaned over, and he pulled the bag towards the driver's side door. He was having a rough time keeping it from me as we wrestled for ownership of the bag.

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