Chapter 10 (fully edited) 1745

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The next day came around quickly; I felt comfortable in bed with Lee. I interlaced my fingers with him and felt so sure about everything we had dohe. I ran my hands across his bare chest as I continued to smile. I felt complete with him next to me. Pretty soon, I had to leave, though. However, he sure knew how to please me. I felt so happy because I knew he had the time of his life. So did I. I could tell by his grin, that dopey grin he always gave me. It was time for Lee to go to school, but this wasn't good. My mom arrived home from wherever she was looking for me. It wasn't raining outside so I quickly threw on my clothes and ran out and painted myself with paint my mom couldn't see because the easel was at the back of the house. Upon rolling over to cuddle with him, my mom once again interrupted a romantic moment.

She started calling me, and I answered.

"Where are you?" she called, worried about what I was doing.

"I'm outside, painting!" I lied; if she had found out about this, she would kill me. Maybe even Lee. My mom had standards for me and wouldn't stray from them. I was still just bare-naked, cuddling with Lee. I quickly grabbed my clothes jumping into them as I put my phone on mute.

"Oh, okay, I was worried because you weren't in your room." Meanwhile, I was halfway through putting my clothes on, and I only had a few minutes before she would check where I was outside.

"No big deal, I understand." I knew all she wanted to do was protect me, and I respected that.

"Okay," she responded. I hoped she would never find out what I did that night. 

I continued painting; I shouldn't have. I should have told her the truth. However, she would have taken away my little freedom if I did have. I lied to her, but in my opinion, I had to, or she refused to let me do anything myself.

I was painting all the secrets I kept from my mother underneath the rug myself. I threw my paintbrushes at the easel because I had repeatedly lied to her. I wasn't this person. With Lee, I wasn't myself. I was a rebel and a rule breaker. I didn't like that.

She was a little controlling, but at the end of the day, she loved me. I shouldn't have lied to her. I was 16. I should've been able to make my own decisions and not have to consult my mother unless it was life-altering. I mean, I was young, and I was going to make mistakes. I'm not saying that sleeping with Lee was a mistake, but I needed to grow up and tell my mother these things. I couldn't just lie to her. She was in the kitchen working on the classwork,

"Hey, mom?" I apologetically thought in my head what I was going to say before she would respond.

"Hey, honey, what's up?" She was sitting in the kitchen at the table, working on her PowerPoint lesson plan for the next class.

"I have to tell you something." I started to chatter my lips, and I couldn't say it. How could I take it all back? I shouldn't have lied, to begin with, but I was in deep shit.

"This sounds serious. Are you okay?" she looked at me in disgrace and anxiety. I felt my heart racing.

"You're going to be disappointed!" I informed her.

I stuttered, not only because she had her arms crossed and towered over me but because I loved Lee and I knew I didn't want to lose him.

"Well, I just want you to know I love Lee!" I lied; that wasn't what I wanted to say. My mom was so proud of me and everything I had done lately; I couldn't disappoint her.

"Awe, honey. I'm sure he loves you too!" my mom concluded. "Why were you so nervous?" she demanded to know.

"Just because I've never had a boyfriend before, so I didn't know what you were going to say!" again, I let this one lie continue into one big nasty knot of lies. I felt so guilty. It was eating me up inside.

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