Fun facts

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Hey lovelies!!

Thank you so much for following along on this ride, their journey is officially over and I'm so emotional right now. Therefore, I find myself writing fun facts or aspects of the book I changed while writing it. This is bit of a distraction, eh? But fuck that. 

Let's see ...

-  Elijah's name was Aiden to begin with and I changed it halfway through book 1, because of the lack of sexy. Does that make any sense, at all? Lol.

- Dakota and Elijah were supposed to despise each other in the beginning. The reason being that none of them wanted to be with the other and their 'daddy issues', shit. The problem of hating pity means you are willing to give up on chances in life to avoid it. 

- Dakota was planned out to have a fling with the owner of the clinic, Mr. Franco. But I suddenly found myself writing him to be this obsessive and nasty dude, which I didn't want her to end up sleeping with. Our Kota is too good for any of that.

- Lucy, Dakota's roommate, had originally planned an assault on Dakota. But, but, but, I couldn't bring myself to pull through with it, especially not with how our sweet Tilly was raped. It would've been too much for Elijah and Dakota. 

- I actually wanted Dakota to sleep with one of E's friends in book 2, but it felt wrong and I would much rather help their relationship than I would destroy it. Or, at least in that manner. Sleeping with his friends is never a good thing.

So that's that!

Once again, I appreciate you guys so much, you don't even know the half of it. 

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!

I love you <333

- emma 

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