51 ➳ Found You

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"You're back!" I beamed, pulling back from Lila, allowing her to breath as my hands lingered on her shoulders.

Lila nodded. "I am."

"I missed you." I sniffled as I tried to hold in my emotions but I just couldn't right now as I feeling way too much at once and I just couldn't contain it any longer.

Lila grinned, "I missed you too."

I felt Hale's presence as Lila moved on from our reunion and onto hers and Hales. I couldn't help but notice Lakyn standing near Lila, I really wanted to run over to him as well and hug the crap out of that boy but I know for a fact he would hate that.

So Instead I offered him a big smile and a weird wave as he laughed rolling his eyes and going over to Lila's side, gluing himself there as Hale made his way back over to me where he slung his arm over my shoulder.

The next few minutes were spent saying our 'hello's' and asking how everyone was. Lakyn and Hale immediately began talking as though they had only seen each other yesterday when in reality it's been a few weeks. While Lila and I made small conversation, though we mainly listened to the boys speak to each other like they were I love with each other.

"I should get to the office. I have to speak to principle Vanderbilt about my absences." Lila cut into the boys' conversation.

I nodded. "Let's go then. We'll just wait outside." I offered or well stated as I seriously didn't want to be away from this girl for that long ever again.

Lila nodded before walking through the double doors and into the school side-by-side Lakyn and then me on her other side with Hale. It felt as though our broken group was finally back and better than ever, it felt as if we were back and ready for anything that was going to be thrown at us.

As we waltzed down the hallway, with zero fucks given, we had unintentionally attracted everyone within the hallway to stare at us. It was mainly due to Lila being back from her long and unheard-of break.

I rolled my eyes as, as well walked further down the hallway we had come inContact with Blaire's weird new group that she had built a week or so ago. Her group consists of Connor, Poppy and some other random girl that I have no idea who is, I'm pretty sure it could have been beau or maybe it was indie but wither way I couldn't remember.

"Lila!" Blaire squeaked as they stopped in front of us.

Lila sighed, smiling tightly. "Hey, B."

Blaire, per usual, had a lot to say. She always does, but considering how long Lila has been gone and the reasoning for that, you would expect her to be more. . . welcoming and polite to her, but instead she attacked Lila the first chance she had.

Lila, being the type of person, you don't want to mess with or she will end your whole life, of course, won. She always does. Blaire's words were petty and meaningless, but Lila quickly shut her down, all of her friends fleeing the scene immediately, leaving one scared and lost little Blaire.

Considering the argument did not involve me, I zoned out for the most part, but I heard Lila's last words: "Go on." Lila had gestured for her to leave. "Go cry to your friends. . .oh, wait. You officially have none."

Blaire's eyes welled up with tears that threatened to spill out of her brown eyes before she stomped her foot like the pathetic and immature human being, she is, she then flung herself around, making sure that her hair swung with her dramatically, when she then proceeded to storm off down the hallway.

"Fuck, I'd hate to be Blaire right now." Hale chuckled; his chest vibrated from beside me as I tried told hold in a snicker.

I nodded at him, "She held it together better than I did." I said from beside hale, where I held onto his hand like a little kid, "I would've cried as soon as Lila started talking." I said truthfully as everyone laughed at me.

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