epilogue / the jiggler

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how am i supposed to write a happy ending to a short story i got attached to? i can't wait to write more dgd fics. it was always meant to be a short story sadly.

final word count: 18,408 HOLY FUCK

jon hugged tilian viciously. he didn't think he would miss the guys so much; his only hesitation to leave on the spot was wren.

he and tilian had brought the last of his things to the bus, and tilian hauled ass back on. "ready whenever you are." he climbed back in.

jon went back into the house, knowing wren didn't want to watch him go. "wren?" he called out. he pushed open the door to her room and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed. burnt diary again. "hey..." he kneeled in front of her. "i know it's hard baby but it'll be over before you know it."

"it's nine months." she said coldly. "i'm a little upset."

"i know you are. i wish i could stay too." he took her hand and lightly rubbed it with his thumb.

"i love you." he said.

"i love you more." he hugged her.




"Wren LeGrande!" jon watched from the crowd as wren was handed her diploma. he stood up and clapped and cheered visciously. she gave him the stink eye, but smiled anyway from the stage.

after graduation, which her mother didn't attend, jon waited for her in the parking lot by his rental car. "you made it," she smiled widely, almost crying as she ran into a hug and squeezed him tightly.

"nine months right?" he said, pulling his arms around her waist. "it's been a long time since christmas." the only time they saw each other between september and now was spending christmas together. they fell asleep on call with each other most nights, and sent each other small gifts all the time. neither one of them really knew how to make distance work but both of them knew they were better people in each other's lives.

"i'm so glad you're here." she said, pulling back and kissing him.

"me too, because i have something..." he raked through his pocket to pull out two plane tickets. "i'm not spending another minute without you wren. i want you to come back with me."

her eyes went wide. "go... go back with you?"

"wasn't that the plan?" he tilted his head. she grinned at him, putting her hands on his face.

"there's nothing really left for me here now i guess..." she looked around. she had begged her mother to come, but ever since her and jon went official her relationship with her family had crashed and burned. she would never understand why, and hoped things could change. but you can really only hope so long. 

she got her diploma. she was in her cap and gown. the day she had waited for since she was 18. no evan, no jade, no parents. just her dad watching over her and a dumbass frontman with two plane tickets and chocolate brown eyes smiling down at her. "is that a yes, wren legrande?"

"it's a fuck yes." she kissed him excitedly. "i would fucking love to."

"i adore you wren, you know that." he laughed as she pulled away, her face inches from his. and it was true. she changed a big piece of him; his intrusive thoughts were nowhere near as violating and angry. he was enjoying touring and making music he loves, he finally had a new meaning to his life. it was all leading up to seeing her again.

and it really felt like his whole life had been a buildup to finding his perfect other. their one year anniversary would be soon in september; and one year since the day she saved him.

"i adore you too." she said, thinking about the kind of future that lies ahead. "now, we have packing to do." she grasped his hand firmly as she drove away from campus.

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