6. the best day of your life

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shockingly enough, wren didn't wake up first, jon woke up on the couch where they left off, now fully legs on couch with wren snuggled up to him. his arms were lazily around her. he was glad he woke up first in a way to save her the embarrassment.

however jon was a male and wanted to untangle himself from this as soon as possible... you know... just in case.

but wren was so comfortable and she was breathing so softly on top of him. her face was halfway tucked into his sweater. her hair was all flopped to the other side. how did this girl even look sweet asleep?

stop jon, stop jon, stop jon. stop right the fuck where you are.

when was the last time he had been this close to someone physically?

"wreeennn." he said lowly. "wren?"

he saw the visible eye flicker open, and her lift herself up off his chest. she was suddenly alert as she saw their situation. "oh, fuck, sorry!" she shot up. "i didn't mean to, uh..."

"wren it's okay! we just fell asleep around the second movie." he reassured her, pulling himself back too. he was almost sad when she was away. he knew it was just the serotonin or dopamine or whatever from the closeness but he kind of missed it now.

"i owe you breakfast. and a tour of this stupid lil town. so why don't you get dressed now that you actually have your clothes and we go get something to eat?"

jon smiled. "that sounds great wren."


after a car ride full of angry metal songs jon grew up with and showing her new demos from the band, they finally showed up at a small coffee shop on a downtown strip. they entered the small building, and looking around, he noticed all the tables had pop art illustrations plastered all over them. "one of my favorite places in town. me and my friends used to come here all the time."

"hi sweetie!" a waitress with cherry red hair who looks ten years older than jon approaches and greets wren. "haven't seen you around here in a while! where's evan?"

"him and jade." she nodded, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

a look of realization struck her face. "fuck em'." she said, guiding them over to a window seat.

"cafe with service?" jon comments.

"i've known lisa since i was little. she's been working here forever." wren smiles, looking down at the table.

"how old are you? you're in college."

"i graduate this year. first month of my senior year, then i can quit working at CVS and actually become a nurse. i'm 24."

they looked over a breakfast menu. jon ordered a black coffee and some blueberry waffles, and wren ordered what she explained was her usual of a milkshake and a slice of apple pie.

"you seriously don't drink coffee?" jon exclaimed as she laughed. "you're a medical student! for the last few years! how do you not drink coffee?"

"protein shakes. strong will. my mom saying coffee is steroids for the weak minded all my life."

and then a girl with blue hair ran up to them. 

he doesn't get noticed in public a lot, they've never been that big. but when he does it's always at the most random times. "hi, uhm, are you jon mess?" the girl who couldn't have been more than 14 asked.

"yeah, what's up?" he smiled at her. he really didn't mind fan interactions. besides the times they were creepy and sexual. but what can you do being a guy in the scene, ya know?

Happiness ↣ Jon MessWhere stories live. Discover now