An Early Christmas Night

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An Early Christmas Night (Written on January 4 2015)

This is about Phil wanting to spend Christmas with Dan before they go home to their families (Don't ask why I wrote a Christmas Phan fic after Christmas.... I just want to do something fun ok)


Phil's P.O.V:
It was a week before Christmas and me and Dan have to leave the apartment to go back to our families for Christmas. I go back to the North and Dan has to go back to the south. We may be two different people but we belong together. We never split unless one of us has to return home to celebrate a family occasion.

Me and Dan are now packing for our trip back to our families. Bags and clothes all over the place and both of us stressing out just because we can't wait to go home.

But do we really have to go back to our families? I'm not being mean or insensitive or anything but... It's just... Me and Dan NEVER celebrated Christmas together. We are always apart when this holiday comes. We come together when it's our birthday, Valentine's Day, New Years and others.

It was dinner time. We ordered Pizza and watched another episode of Attack on Titans. The tree is glowing but it won't be used when the actual day comes. We are just sitting on the couch with Pepperoni and Hawaiian pizza. I enjoyed every moment we had being together... Just sitting here having our last dinner together before we leave.

It was silent... Just our munching of the pizza and the sound of the TV being being played. I know it's kinda dull but we literally have nothing to talk about. I don't want to make this situation really weird. And I don't think Dan does either.

"So..." I said.

"So..." Dan said. "Excited to go home?"

"I guess..." I said. "Are you?"

"Yes I guess... I can't wait to see my brother again" Dan said.

"Me too" I said.

Adrian and Martyn... Our brothers... They have never actually met in real life. I even doubt that they didn't even know each other or heard of each other.

The time has passed and it's now 11 pm. Our little anime marathon has ended. The food has finished and the bottles of coke has finished. The credits were rolling and it's an hour close till midnight. Me and Dan are sitting in other sides of the couch. We both wanted to go back to our bedrooms. It's the decent thing to do. And the normal thing to do.

But you know what.... Normalness leads to sadness. This will be the last day together before we split and I don't want to forget and waste this moment.

So I sat closer to Dan... Like real close. Dan started at me with an odd look on his face. More of confusion rather than happiness.

"Phil, what are you doing?" Dan asked.

"It's our last night together, do you know that" I asked.

"Oh yeah" Dan said in realisation. "But why are you sitting close to me?"
"Is it a problem?" I asked.

"Not really" Dan said.

I decided to leave but Dan held my arm closer to him. It's more like he does want me this close.

"But it doesn't mean I want to let go off you" He said with a soft voice.

Dan stood up and turn on the fireplace then we snuggled in the couch together for a while. It's like we never want to let go of each other. Only the Christmas lights and the fire in the fireplace was the only one emitting light. The mood felt a bit romantic but in the same time, kinda sweet.

I then stood up and got something behind the TV. Dan became confused but I brought out a gift. I gave it to Dan as I sat on the coffee table. Dan opened it and it was a photo of the both of us when we first met.

"Phil... What is this?" Dan asked.

"It took a while to find... Like at long time... And I got them developed" I said. "It's the photo when we first met in the train station".

Dan hugged me and tears started to roll down to his face. The hug was tighter than the usual hugs we do, like he really appreciated it.

"I'm a terrible friend" Dan cried. "You... You have done so much for me that you even gave me a present. Me, I've done nothing! I sometimes feel like a burden to you but you just keep on smiling along the way. I sometimes feel like I don't deserve you and that you could have chosen someone else but me".

"Dan, it's ok" I said.

"No it's not! I feel worthless around you" Dan cried.

"But Dan... You are not a burden to me! I appreciate your flaws and I accept who you are" I said.

"But.. Why?" Dan asked.

"Because... We may be different but we are the same. We may be different but we have the same interest. That's why we became friends in the first place" I said.
I faced Dan and wiped the tears off his face. I gave him a sweet smile and he started to cheer up a bit.

"Merry Christmas my Danosaur" I said.

"Merry Christmas my Phillion" he said.

Phan Oneshots (a collection of short stories)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن