You're no longer mine

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You're No Longer Mine (January 1 2016)

Summary: 2012!Phan... but with a twist.

Inspired by 2012 by Like-Totally-Eden


2009... it was the year we met. The year when we found each other thanks to YouTube and Twitter and the endless skype calls. I was very happy when we first met in Manchester, spending my money saved up from my part time job in Asda just to catch the train to meet him, it was all worth it. When I stepped of the train, I saw him with that plaid shirt, waving at me with that familiar smile that I love...

Those were the days.

2010... we started to become more intimate in secret. We were still figuring out if it was real or just a false alarm. One day, we were at the manchester eye that our fingers touched when looking at the view and we then gazed at each other's eyes and we soon kissed. We then ran under rain once we got off as we try to catch the bus to return to Phil's house. We then eventually done it on his bed with cherry lube he secretly bought.

We both lay on his bed and we faced each other with our hearts beating really fast. I can see the sparkle in his eyes, showing my reflection.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too bear" Phil replied.

Phil and I soon started dating from that night and we kept our relationship secret as this is something we both want to keep for ourselves. From small coffee dates to traveling to different places, our bond grew and grew and soon, we just wanted to be together... forever.

One day, both our families came together for Christmas in the Lester residence. Our parents got to know each other and there was some chatter on the dinner table and the living room. Today thou is the day when we declare our love for each other for our families. Phil and I were in his bedroom and tried to stay relaxed as we wanted to share the news to our families. I was scared as my parent's may not be as open minded than Phil's and they may just hate him or his entire family all together.

"Phil... are you sure we can do this?" I asked.

"Dan, I think now is the perfect time to tell them!" Phil replied. "Look, they're now getting to know more of each other, your parents trust me and mine trust yours so I'm sure they'll accept it".

So we held hands, left the room and we faced our family and relatives. We first ate dinner together and we all has some small talk. Soon, Phil and I faced each other and nodded. So we both stood up, held each other's hand and faced everyone.

"Hey... can we have everyone's attention please?" Phil said.

Everyone looked at us as the questioned what we have to say. I was about to be nervous as my heart began to beat really fast but one look at Phil's face and it showed everything will be ok. So I took a deep breath and broke the news to the family.

"Um... Phil and I have been friends from quite some time now and... from there, we began to know each other very well" I said.

"But as our bond grew, so did our love towards each other" Phil said.

"Boys... what are you trying to say?" Phil's dad asked.

"Phil and I are in love with each other and I hope you think different of us" I said with my eyes closed.

The room felt silent as our families tried to take in what they just heard. I took a glimpse on Phil's face and he looked more nervous than I and it made me feel better. Soon, after our families recovered from the shock, my dad placed his napkin down and stood up.

Phan Oneshots (a collection of short stories)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz