Before the Storm

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I could've sworn my eyes bulged out of my head at the words coming out of that pervy bastards mouth. The words I so desperately wished I didn't hear...

"I like you, like really like you"

How could he say something like that, after what he just did? How can such a douche like him think I would accept his confession?

Why HIM of all people...?

I grit my teeth and glare at the young boy in front of me. His fists are balled to his side, with his short ass demeanor looking up at me. His round eyes pleading towards me, yet doing nothing to convince me. I let out a long sigh before pursing my lips and scoffing at the boy.

"If you ever think that I of all people would accept a confession from a pervy little shit like you, then you must be out of your god damn mind." I retort rudely, not even caring that I could possibly be hurting him.

Tears start to start to swell up in his eyes as his fist ball up even tighter. "Why?" He simply asks, causing my blood to boil even more.

In a second, I can feel the stinging warmth on my hand followed by a quiet shriek. My eyes narrow as I back away, realizing I just slapped Mineta.

I click my tongue and cross my arms over my chest again. "You're a perverted ass-face, whose obsessed with getting into girls pants, no matter how many times they tell you no. You make very subjective jokes and spy on women, you even looked through a damn whole to watch the ladies undress. A hint of advice, don't be such a fucking douche and pervy asshole and maybe, just maybe, some desperate wannabe hooker might let you talk to them. But even that's pushing it."

I glare at the boy as his tears come pouring out, feeling no sympathy towards him whatsoever.

I will not apologize for the crude words I have spoken, because no one has been acknowledging his vile attitude to females.

It needed to be said, no matter how painful it would be to hear.

I inhale sharply, turning on my heel and walk out the room, completely ignoring the sorrow filled boy crying on the ground.


"Denki! Whats up bro!" I yell out, running up to the blonde haired boy with a single black lightning bolt in his hair. He turns around and smiles brightly, shooting me a 'shaka' sign.

"Yo!" He yells back.

As I approach the blonde boy, I jump on to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and hug him tightly. He chuckles and swings me in a circle, letting my legs dangle in the wind.

I tilt my head back to rest on his chest, my wolf ears tickling Denki's nose.

Before I could even react, Denki sneezes, sending many bolts of lightening throughout the air, causing me to lose my grip on his neck.

I get sent flying through the air, loosing track of my surroundings.

I close my eyes tightly, putting my right hand behind me and breath out. Just as I let out the breath, the air around me become a transparent, rubbery substance.

My back hits the substance, slowing my whole body down, then dropping me to the ground. I land smoothly and walk up to Denki.

"That was hilarious!" He snorts, grabbing his knees with his hands.

I roll my eyes. "You should be glad I have full control of my quirk Denki, but you're right. That was pretty funny!" I giggle quietly with him.

"Oi, what are you Main's doing?" A certain blonde-haired Pomeranian blurts out. I turn around, and smile at the angry-boy.

"Hey Bakubro! It's been awhile hasn't it?" I ask as my hand goes to his head and starts ruffling his hair. He growls, but doesn't hit my hand away, allowing me to continue the head message.

"Sure, whatever." Bakugou mumbles, moving moving head a little closer to mind hand.

I giggle at his comfortableness with me.

Bakugou seems like he'd be a dick, but once you get to know him, he's actually pretty soft.

Though, he only shows it around his friends, or what he calls them, "The mains." I think he means the main character type people and not extras, which he calls everyone else.

"Come on, Baku. We are 3rd years now, be happier!" A pink haired girl comes running up to us, giving me a big hug. I smile and hug her back.

"Tsk, shut it Mina. You're probably just going to party all year." Bakugou says, now walking away from my head message. Mina looks to me and tilts her head.

I roll my eyes and walk up to her. "He let my give him a head message for a little and now he's being a baby. I think he just needs a nap." I whisper into Mina's ears, causing a chuckle to escape her pink lips.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Bakugou quips, not even turning his head this way. Mina and I look at each other, giggling.

Mina, Denki and I make small talk, and start a conversation about our summer and the things we missed, as well as fun things we did over the summer. Bakugou didn't want to join, so he just sat on the steps of the dorm building.

We all just talked till more people arrived and everyone was here.

Aizawa, looking as dead as ever, opened the dorm buildings doors and walked inside. We all follow and head to our dorms, as we are using the same dorm rooms as last year, so we know where to go.

I am not too happy with my dorm, because one of my classmates, Mineta, is in the dorm right next to me. It not like a hate him, but he isn't the person I want to spend my time seeing.

After an awkward situation with me and Mineta that happened two years ago, he just disappeared. I don't know if he went to a new school or just became home schooled, but he stopped coming to UA. I found out, after I was give the room assignment, that Mineta would be returning, and I am not excited to see him.

Before I could even catch him as he returned to his dorm, I quickly unlock my door and run into my room. Once the door was closed, I smile and look around my room from last year. The room itself its pretty small. To the back right there's a small dresser for my clothes with a mirror on top. On the right by the wall, there is a round bed with a single pillow and a single blanket, and a TV on the left wall with a small stand that contains a Nanstation 5, an OR headset and a pack of a couple Nanstation games. It's the balcony that's unique.

Th balcony is three times the size of the regular student balcony's. The left side of the Balcony is pretty much just a swinging bed with a two foot high and two inch thick rim connected to a strong panel on the roof for structure. There's a small button by walk in area of the bed, that creates a dome of high pressure air around the bed, stopping any water from hitting me when it rains. To the left is pretty much just an empty balcony that you can watch the horizon from. I have a regular bathroom to the left of my room, by the door. But, its nothing pretty.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I look to my door as I hear three knocks coming from the other side. Thinking it was Bakugou, Mina, Denki, or Kirishima coming to see me, I walk over to the door and open it quickly.

My breath instantly hitches as my eyes trail up and meet with a familiar pair of pitch-black eyes, and yet, I can't seem to recognize the person at all...

A/N: So, what do you think of the first chapter of my story???☺️

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