CHAPTER 2 ✑ The Escape

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"Ouch," grumbled Selenya stifled by Jun's weight, "You're heavier than you look!"

Jun blushed all the way till his ears, bulging his eyes as if with a magnifying glass. Jumped on his feet and helped Selenya to stand. The prince's almond eyes scowled at them furiously after removing the sword from the dead guard's body.

He wore an open jacket of his purple princely uniform, embroidered with gold and silver, stained with drops of blood. His hair, matching his younger brother's color, ordinarily brushed and parted on the side, was now tousled and drenched in sweat. Apart from all that, he was tall, regal and handsome.

"I thought I told you to take her out of the city and LEAVE!" he barked while towering in front of a guilt-afflicted Jun, "WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO BE OBEYED BY YOU?!"

"I was about to, but---"

"But I decided to come and get you!", Selenya stepped in front of Jun, "There's no time to argue, so let's go!"

"I can't leave! I must stay with my people!" shouted the prince with the light of his chamber's window outlining his comely figure.

"They're not after your people, they're after you! How long do you think they'll keep you alive after the surrender of your army?! It's over! You and your father are done for!"

"I don't care!!!" he yelled, "This is all our fault...!"

This time Jun pushed gently Selenya aside and spoke rigidly, "We care, Jinghim, and this isn't your fault! It's Father's fault! Don't throw away your life to satisfy his pride! And Selenya is right, we don't have much time."

Prince Jinghim furrowed deeply, trying to swallow his own pride, unable to argue with their statements. He sheathed his majestic silver sword and straightened his posture.

"You've always had an affinity for defying my orders, haven't you, Jun?" Jinghim glared at his brother, who lowered his head solemnly.

Then he glanced at Selenya's undaunting expression.

He sighed defeatedly.


"Yoon is waiting for us down at the docks, let's go!" Jun slipped away hastily to check for any other guards, clinging to his sword at the ready.

After watching him momentarily disappear through the luxurious hallways, Selenya turned to Jinghim.

"What about the King?"

His face darkened, curling his lips resentfully.

"Jinghim?" she touched his shoulder softly, "Where's your father?"

"He...he's locked himself in the throne room...He...," he cleared his throat struggling to keep his rage and grief from overcoming his princely temperament, "...He said that if he had to die, he would die sitting on his throne...I tried to stop him but he has locked every door,...every secret passage. Everything."

Selenya shut her eyes sullenly, "We're going to try again. Me and Jun can pick the locks. We must try..."

The young man touched her arm, his head hanging down to his chest, "He's not going to come---."

Angry whistling emerged from the silence. Jun had returned from his patrol leaning from the shadows of the walls, gesturing for them to follow.

"Let's go!" he whispered loudly.

"Wait!" replied Selenya and turned to the Prince who was leering at his brother, still angry for his insubordination, "Jinghim, take off your uniform, wear whatever you have that's casual. You don't want to run around in that, you'll be recognized from a mile away."

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