Marvolo Gaunt's ring

Start from the beginning

"It's just stress." You say, not believing your own assumption.

"Your hair started changing the exact same time that Professor Dumbledore was cursed." Snape started to pace in front of you, his mind whirring. "It's like...something inside of you is connected. Connected to this ring." Snape stops in his tracks, as if he just had a light bulb moment. "I wonder..." He says before heading back over to the desk, he opens up the drawer again and takes out the ring. Bringing it towards you. You glanced at it, immediately your heart sank.

"W-where did you get this?" You manage to choke out. Your eyes started to fill with tears. "This was my mother's." Now seeing it up close this was definitely the ring your mother once had. You remember it so well, she wore it only on special occasions, those special occasions being when she went to the Malfoy meetings. To which you now know were death eater meetings. The rest of the time she wasn't wearing it, it sat in her jewellery box collecting dust.

Funny...When she died you never saw it again.

"Miss White. I think The dark lord gave this ring to your mother. I think she had the duty to protect it. That's why you never saw it again after she died, the dark lord must have taken it back from her and then re-hidden it, however he didn't hide it very well because the headmaster managed to retrieve it."

You stood still, taking everything in. Seeing that ring again made it painful to hold back your emotions, your throat felt as though you had swallowed a razor blade.

"I think you are the only one who is able to destroy it. Your mother must have died whilst wearing it, her blood is imbued inside it. I just know it. You share the same blood therefore you are the only one who can truly break inside of it." Snape ranted, he clenched the ring in his hand still as he started pacing once again.

It made sense, being orphaned you were the last of your bloodline. If your mothers blood really was inside of that ring, it must make some sort of connection to you.

You managed to pluck up some courage, your throat relaxing, the tears no longer filling your eyes.

"If this is going to help bring that monster down, I'm in." You said, trying to uphold your bravery.

Suddenly you felt the pocket of your robe move, much like when Snape placed the note inside of it in the great hall, but this time it felt much heavier. You peered down to see a gleaming silver sword, the top of the handle was encrusted with glittering rubies. Snape stared at it, stunned. You pulled it out of your pocket carefully, trying not to slice through your robe. You knew what you had to do, and boy were you ready.

Snape opened his hand up, offering the ring to you. You took it from him, your fingers brushing against the palm of his hand. You felt your stomach begin to fill with butterflies, you couldn't tell if it was because of the physical contact with him or the fact that you were about to destroy a freakin' Horcrux.

"This is for you, mum." You say, placing the ring onto Dumbledore's desk. You held the sword of Gryffindor in your hands tightly, raising it above your head. For all you knew, destroying the ring could kill you, however at this moment in time you couldn't care less. If this was going to aid in bringing the most evil, dark wizard down, you were prepared to risk your life to do so.

Snape stood close beside you, giving you an encouraging nod.

"Here's to mortality!" You shout, swinging the sword back and smashing it down onto the ring, the room filled with black smoke and an ear piercing scream came out of the ring, to which you recognised as your mother's. The Horcrux span in a circle, your body felt as if it was being electrocuted by a giant taser. You doubled over, your teeth clenched, groaning in pain.

Then the ring stopped.

The smoke-filled room cleared, enough for you to regain balance and see your surroundings again.

You stood up, dropping the sword onto the ground. The metal clattered against the stone floor as you looked up at Snape, your eyes locked together, both of you breathing heavily. You dove in to embrace him, your head resting tightly against his moving chest, arms wrapped around his neck. To your surprise he returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You wanted to stay there forever, in that moment, frozen in time.

"Headmaster!" Snape exclaimed, letting you go and pushing you off of him. Your eyes widened, at the door stood Dumbledore, a wide smile plastered on his face.


Well what a ride that was!!
Honestly this has been my favourite chapter to write so far!

I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Now you have some insight on why (y/n)'s hair was turning white. She was cursed because of Marvolo Gaunt's ring which was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes!

I'm also excited for the progression of Snape's feelings to start showing as him and (y/n) get closer 👀

Please let me know what you thought of this one. Feel free to ask me questions if you are confused by any part of it.

Please follow and vote if you want to see more. (I'll post if you don't anyways lol)

Also follow my HP dedicated Instagram if you like @thehalfbloodxprincess

I love you guys and your little comments 😭🥰💚
See ya in the comment section ;)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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