Status Update

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I'm going to start it out like this, being rude to me about my non-updating does not help get me to update sooner.
I'm a human being, and I'm going through a lot right now and have been. I went back to school, I'm in my final year of high school and I got really overwhelmed by schoolwork so that has been my main plan. And, my boyfriend and I were going through some stuff so I was working on my relationship and bringing back the joy with my boyfriend because I really love him.
Also, I'm back to swimming after only having a week and a half between school and swimming starting and I got an ear infection already. Yep, within five days I got an ear infection so like, I can't write for a long time because it's kinda messing with my head and I finally took my five hour course so hopefully I'll get my license soon.
I'm going to work on an update as soon as I can but no promises because I'm at my school from 7:20-6:30 every day and spend time with my boyfriend on weekends so, I don't know. I don't like forcing myself to write because it makes it hard for me to have quality stories,
I'm working on my common app and college essay as well so I've got a lot going on.
Just a reminder for all y'all, I'm still a human, and honestly still a child so please take that into account. It makes me happy that people want to read my story, but not when they tell me in a rude way.
Thank y'all for sticking with me,

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