Chapter 22

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First Published May 29, 2020 at 1:17 

School the next day was oddly peaceful, even Glimmer left me alone. I mean, she was working with Mr. Hadley more likely than not so it made since that she'd be tucking her tail between her legs. Hell, maybe even her dad was in trouble for letting Mr. Hadley run wild with his insanity. But it wasn't his fault, I really think President Snow knew exactly what he was doing sending Cato and I into District 1 together. He was that much of a snake. Nothing he does is without careful planning and the chance for manipulation. 

 Everything really ended up being peaceful for the rest of our stay in District 1, which put me on edge, I couldn't get too comfortable knowing that I still had to put up with Glimmer for another two months, but we were now on the train to District 4 to start our next months worth of training. I'm hoping for a peaceful time, but I highly doubt that will be the case. No one here knows what happened, so Glimmer would probably be a terror again. But I'm prepared for it. 

 "Clove, we're almost there!" Marvel cheered excitedly, grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me happily. He was the only one of the group to ever travel to a different District, so his excitement was understandable. I remember how excited I was when I left District 2 for the first time, Bri had just won the games, and I was so little they had to drag me along everywhere, so I went on a Victory Tour at the old age of 8, but I didn't really understand what happened, that other kids had died, but I was just excited to travel. 

 The next time I left the District, I was rushed to the Capitol on a bullet train, slowly dying before the medics and doctors of the Capitol saved me. I was surprised I wasn't expected to owe the government a favor after that. then again, they had to keep up appearances, a Victor's nearly adoptive child couldn't die without intervention by the Capitol, no expense was spared for me. Looking back on it now, it hits me that if I wasn't Brutus' niece, I would have been left to die. To this day, we aren't really sure what happened to me, the doctors just somehow made me feel better. 

 "Earth to Clove! Did you not hear me? We're almost there!" Marvel cheered again, prompting a hearty laugh to come from me. He somehow always made me snap out of my crazy thoughts, and I was extremely grateful for that. 

 "You won't believe how ridiculously hot and humid it is here Marvel, it is like breathing water," I told him, causing a frown to come across his face. I just had to bring his expectations down towards reality slightly. 

 "Well I'm still excited you pessimist. I have never left District 1 and now here I am seeing open water for the first time. It's great. It looks so pretty," Marvel smiled, staring out the window like I did a few years ago.

 I had to admit, there was something beautiful to the water at sunset, the sun stretching out across the water as far as you could see, the hot air cooling slightly, and the hazy orange sky were truly something you would see in a movie or painting. I simply nodded in agreement with Marvel, I always could appreciate nature's simple beauty. 

 "You know what's prettier though?" Cato asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind in a hug. 

 "I'm not expecting you to say me, so I'll guess that you're going to say Marvel because that sounds like something you would say," I smirked, getting a fake scoff from Cato. 

 "You guys are disgusting," Glimmer scoffed, this was honestly the first time any of us had seen of her since getting on the train. It didn't bother me one bit to not see her, but I guess she was ready to come out of hiding now.  

 Marvel just laughed at her comment before turning to Cato and planting one of those old lady kisses to the cheek, complete with the "mwuah" sound and everything. We all cracked up laughing after that, besides Glimmer. She never found anything funny with the rest of us. If it wasn't someone being embarrassed or hurt, she didn't find it funny. We're all messed up, but she might be the most messed up at least socially out of all of us. 

 "Whatever, you guys are all weirdos. I just wanted to get food but you all made me lose my appetite, I can't wait for this to be over so I don't have to be seen with you," she replied angrily before retreating from the car. That was her style, insult as she left. 

 Marvel just stood there, silently mocking her after she had exited the car. I felt bad laughing at her, but I felt like I deserved to laugh at her attitude, she had tried to torment me, I could laugh at her attempting to be intimidating. 

 Shortly after our interaction with Glimmer, the train slowed to a stop at the station, and we grabbed our bags before departing. As soon as we set foot outside in District 4, I heard Marvel gasp. 

 "Wow, you were not joking, it is so humid here. I feel like I'm going to end up sweating half of my body weight away," Marvel muttered to me, eliciting another short laugh from me. He was in for a rude surprise tomorrow morning when we wake up, because it hits like a truck. Especially when you aren't used to humid air, which coming from District 1, he was used to dry heat when he experienced heat. 

 The mayor and Head Peacekeeper greeted us immediately, and informed us of the plan for our stay. Since District 4 is much smaller, they only have one training center, so we would become friends with the new kids, hopefully. I wasn't sure we ever would become friends with them though, because they have been on the outside of the Career districts for the past few Games, their tributes usually dying very early in the Games. 

Shortly thereafter, we went to the Victor's Village, where they assigned one house to Cato and I, and one to Marvel and Glimmer, since they had been informed of the tension between Glimmer and I. They justified it as keeping the kids most comfortable with each other together in a new place. 

 I didn't care too much though, I was tired, and with Cato. I took a quick shower, and climbed into bed next to an already sleeping Cato before falling asleep alongside him. 


Hey guys! I know this is on the shorter side but I feel like I need to move the story along, so they're in District 4 now. This chapter really was just a filler because I promised two chapters by my birthday and my birthday is in like 8 days. I'll be 17! 

My boyfriend just found out I write on Wattpad and wants to read my stories but I'm so freaking embarrassed and I don't think I'll let him, there's just too much cringy stuff on here. And I talk about him a lot... 

I'll keep my authors note on the shorter side today but will promote The Hidden Beauty, another one of my stories that I have been devoting some time to and I would love for you guys to check it out. I also have published something that is just messages from me so I have shorter notes and less messages in my conversation tabs, I also open up a little more about me. 

I love you all and until next time...


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