chapter sixteen.

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Elena awoke to the sound of harsh voices murmuring around her, which quickly fell silent when she tried to open her mouth to speak, but her throat felt as though it was coated with sand, lined with knives, stabbing her whenever she took a breath. Still too disorientated to take in the four people standing at the foot of her bed, just reaching to the bedside table where she'd normally kept a glass of water, before remembering she wasn't in Terrasen, and everything came crashing down again. She sat up quickly, ignoring the twinge of pain throughout her entire body, her head clearing as she took in Noah, Rhysand, and Feyre. The fourth person had left in a bit of a hurry when she'd awoken, before she could see who it was.

Before she could get a word out, Feyre had her arms wrapped around the other girl, her fingers clutching onto the clothes she'd been changed into. The High Lady was careful not to put too much weight on Elena, but Elena wrapped her arms around Feyre in turn, hugging the woman back for as long as she needed. "Thank you," Feyre whispers to the princess, her face in her golden hair. "Anytime, My Lady," she replies in a croaky voice, a tired smile on her face as Feyre pulls back and smooths her dress, Rhysand giving her a small smile. Her eyes found Noah, and by the Wyrd did he look pissed, his jaw clenched and his hands in fists at his side. Elena pats the space beside her on the bed, and he slowly sits, but doesn't relax, his eyes on the High Lord in front of them.

"Isn't this your turn to say thank you, Rhysand?" She asks, giving him a small wave, her fingers wiggling. Rhysand's expression hardens slightly, but he nods. Something had happened in this room while she was sleeping, and Elena didn't want people to start tiptoeing around her just because she'd thrown up a little bit. "Oh for fucks sake—," she says with a groan, looking from Rhysand to Noah, crossing her arms. "What happened."

"Solace here doesn't seem to understand the fact that you can make your own decisions, and that saving me and flying Cassian and Az back to Velaris, was a choice you made. I think he's rather upset," Rhysand cocks his head to the side almost mockingly, his eyes on Noah, who just stared right back. "You know nothing," Noah spits, moving to stand up, but Elena pulls him back down, warning flashing in her eyes. Don't be stupid.

Noah, of course, ignores her. Shrugging out of her grip and standing up to his full height, as tall as Rhysand, his eyes getting that look she knew all too well. This wasn't going to end well. "Elena, call off your guard dog please," is all Rhysand says, his eyes flicking to her, voice a bored drawl that she knew would get Noah's blood boiling.

Elena herself stiffened slightly at that, narrowing her eyes at the dark haired man. "Don't ever talk about him like that again. And don't forget that I risked my life not once, but twice for the sake of you and your court. I shouldn't of been put in either of those positions, and you should've been more careful when leaving the Autumn Court. I may be young, but that doesn't make me stupid. You were unprepared. I might not be so willing to help if you fuck up for a third time. So please, High Lord, I've been through enough for a few days, so you two can either pull yourselves together, or you can find someone else who has an idea of where those things came from."

She managed to make it seem as if she were looking down at them, even when she was laying on a bed and both of their crotches were eye level for her. Sitting up a bit more and crossing her arms. "My mom told me about them. I'm sure there's a few books about them in your library. Most of them in Erilea got destroyed though, so all we had was what people remembered. My mom, she–"

Elena stops talking for a second, thinking. "Go get everyone. I don't think I want to tell this story twice," she says, beginning to stand up, Noah shooting her a concerned look as he moves to steady her. "Meet me in the dining room in about ten minutes, I'd like to speak to Noah, thank you," she says, and although she can sense Rhysand doesn't enjoy taking orders from her, he simply takes Feyre's hand and leads her out of Elena's room, the door clicking softly behind him.

"What the fuck was that all about?"

Noah stares down at her for a second, before moving towards the window, his jaw clenched as he stared down at the streets. "You shouldn't have had to done it. It wasn't fair of them to ask that of you."

She walks towards him slowly, going on her tiptoes to rest her chin on his shoulder. "They didn't make me," she says softly, her arms moving to wrap around his middle. "I did it of my own accord. And if I hadn't, Feyre would've lost her mate today, and the Night Court it's High Lord. It was the right decision to make."

"I just wish you didn't have to make it," he says with a sigh, turning to face her. "You haven't done that in five years. Excuse me for being a tad worried."

"I'm fine. Drop it, please."

He stares down at her for a few seconds, as if trying to figure her out, before nodding and rubbing his hand over his face.

"Okay, Lena. Whatever you want."


The entire Inner Circle was staring at her, as if they were caught between calling her bullshit, or going to Terrasen to give her mother a hug.

Of course, Elena would've gone with the second option, but there was no time for that right now. She'd told them all her mother's story, and it had taken hours. Explaining in detail what her mom had told her, answering questions they honestly had no time for. Yes, they're slightly related. Yes, Dorian Havilliard took down Morath on his own. No, Manon didn't cut Dorian's dick off for leaving. Yes, my mother barely has any magic left. Yes, I'm probably the most powerful being in Prythian. No, I don't have a theme song.

That last question was courtesy of Cassian, and she'd looked at Noah afterwards as if to say, Why the fuck don't I have a theme song?

When she'd answered all their questions, her mouth was dry, and her heart was heavy. Talking about all her mother had been through takes a toll, as it would for everyone. Soon after all their questions had been answered, serious ones this time, they'd all stood up, having some idea of what they were facing. That there is no easy solution, and that there's no way out.


Azriel stops Elena as she's strapping on her sleek suit from Prythian, her sword in its scabbard on the table. His brows furrowing, as no one had said anything about them going out.

"Where are you going?"

"Hell, most likely."

She doesn't look up as she answers, but he can basically feel the grin on her face, and the dark chuckle leaving her lips was unmistakable.

"Where are you going, Princess?" he asks again, his arms crossing.

She straps her sword to her waist, and when she looked up, her eyes were swimming with something excited, something dangerous.

"I'm going Valg hunting."


word count: 1296

hey! sorry this took so long to get up, but here it is! please don't forget to vote and comment it rly motivates me to write and get the chapters up for you guys. i hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe & healthy, and thanks for all the support, you're all golden. i love you all <3

- ev

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