chapter four.

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Elena immediately glances towards all the exits she marked immediately when she entered. The rest of the Inner Circle immediately began changing into armour, and Rhysand walks over to her, any trace of the amused man gone.

"Will you fight with us?" He asks, and she shakes her head.

"This is your fight, not mine." She says, and he just clenches his jaw, nodding.

She nods at them all, then a second later they disappear, a swirl of smoke left behind.


They were loosing. Badly. In all his centuries of walking this world, never has he come across creatures like these. They looked like human mortals, besides their eyes. Azriel stares into the dark abyss's, then slices with his sword, effectively beheading it. He glances up at the window, where that girl-woman-was standing.

He didn't know her, but he knew she was powerful. He could feel the power radiating from her, almost singing to him. Why she wouldn't fight, he didn't know. He was enraged, not just because of these beasts, or the fact that they were losing, but at the fact she wasn't helping them, after they had welcomed her.

So he used that rage, beheading another one, slicing them down with the sword, occasionally wielding Truth-Teller. Making sure he knew where his High Lord and Lady were at all times, breaking concentration only to glance up at the woman again. Only she wasn't there. Confusion passes through him, and in that moment of hesitation, his shadows warn him to move.

But before a blade comes into contact with his side, another, unfamiliar sword blocks the swing. He looks towards his savior, to see her. The woman.

She wore armor that resembled molten gold, and a crown of flames that circled her head, licking her brow.

"Need any help?" She asks with a smirk.


She was itching for a fight the whole day, tempted to just start one with that hulking male, Cassian. So when the other male entered bearing news of a battle, she began to plan, to test them.

She wanted to play. She told them she won't fight, choosing instead to watch from a window. To see whether Rhysand would force her out, or accept her wishes. She waited until the right moment before appearing, saving the Shadowsinger's life.

She smirks at him, before launching into the battle, taking them down two, three, four at a time, changing the tide in the battle. Barely. Andit wasn't enough.

She turns around, sprinting and swooping to kill as she went, her golden hair streaming behind her.

"What in the Cauldron are you doing?" She hears Azriel yell, wandering what in the Wyrd that meant, but doesn't slow her steps, her legs pumping, the weight of the armor barely slowing her down.

Turning a corner, slipping her sword into the holster strapped to her back. She grabs onto a balcony, swinging herself up, then jumping onto the next one. Hauling herself onto the roof, leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

She reaches the end of one, her heart hammering in her chest, and jumps.

She soars through the air, the magic she inherited from her father pushing at her heels, and cushioning her fall. She lands in the midst of the mass horde, sending out a small blast of her fire in all directions, turning the beasts to ash on the wind.

She continues to behead them, but her arms were growing heavy.

There were too many of them. Far, far too many.

She takes a deep breath, before launching herself into the air, her father's magic once again at her heels.

With a roar of a mighty warrior, she unleashed.


A Court of Fire and Shadows.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora