chapter five.

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She was life. She was death. She was the fire that burnedroared— in her veins. She was Elena Whitethorn Galathynius. Daughter of Aelin of the Wildfire, Queen of Terrasen.

And she would not be afraid.

She would not be afraid of the monsters that lurked in the depths of herself, nor the ones right in front of her.

Belting that warriors cry, she burned.


By the Cauldron.

That type of power, the sheer mass of it...

He had never seen anything like it before.

And for the first time in a while, Azriel was scared.


She burned.

And burned and burned and burned.

She had lost track of how long she had been there, suspended in the air. A raging inferno in a wood of flimsy kindling. She would not stop, not until every last one if these creatures were floating on the wind.


5 minutes.

That's how long it took her to kill all of those mighty beasts. Every single one met their demise.

5 goddamn minutes.

He watches her fallfloatto the ground, as if even the wind were grateful. A peculiar breeze swept the ashes away, to Cauldron knows where.

He's tempted to go to her, to see how she's doing, if she's okay. But he doesn't. Instead, he spreads his wings wide, soaring for the Town House.


She was drained. Completely and utterly, drained, her fire an ember, deep inside her. She'd never gone deeper, terrified of what might be down there, of how deep she would be able to go.

She needed sleep. And a bath. She needed multiple things at this point in time, but knew she would get none, at least not now.

She couldn't show she was weak.

So she stood up, ignoring the ache in her bones, and begins walking. She walks in the direction of what she had heard someone, the stone-cold girl, Nesta, call the Town House.

As she walks through the streets, most probably looking like shit, blood stained and sweaty, heads turned. She kept her head held high, not looking, not even glancing, beside her. She kept her eyes fixed in front of her, towards the Town House. 

She arrives on the doorstep, plastering an easy smirk on her face, before opening the door, and stepping inside.

What she had not expected to see, was Azriel, and some other woman, standing right in front of the doorway, tangled up in each other. 

Another thing she hadn't expected was that awful wrenching in her gut, once she'd seen them.


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