003 The Bulletproof Boy Scouts

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The drive to the precinct the following morning was a lot less tense than the drive to the captain's house the night before. Even Jennie-eonni was visibly more relaxed, joining in the light conversation we had in the car.

When we arrived at the precinct, the captain led us to an empty room and instructed us to wait while he fetched the team we would be working with. We sat around the metal table in the middle of the room, watching him as he headed back out. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Jisoo-eonni turned to us.

"I want all of you to cooperate with the captain's team." She told us. "Full transparency- whatever they need."

Almost immediately after she finished her sentence, Jennie-eonni spoke up.

"Eonni-" She started to object, but Jisoo-eonni cut her off with a stern look.

"No excuses, Jennie-yah."

We've learned early on to never question Jisoo-eonni because she was just that smart. Her mind worked a hundred times faster than a normal person's and it allowed her to process information, create a plan, and make important decisions before the rest of us could even understand what was happening, but if there was one thing that we knew Jennie-eonni to never readily agree with, it's trusting anyone outside of our group.

Even though she knew that Jennie-eonni would obey her anyway, upon seeing that there was still uncertainty in her eyes, Jisoo-eonni's gaze softened.

"All of us knew what was going to happen when we decided to stay in that room." She began. "We know that they wouldn't just let us be in the custody of the police knowing that we have the knowledge to bring every single one of them to justice."

Jennie-eonni's head hung low, her hair falling in front of her face. I silently reached for her hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

"And it's not like we can lead normal lives under some disguises. We'll spend the rest of our lives on the run." Jisoo-eonni continued. "The only way we'll be safe is if the entire organization dissolves. Captain Bang and his team will help us do that."

"I understand." Jennie-eonni answered quietly. She lifted her head, giving me a small smile as she squeezed my hand back.

Then, we heard footsteps on the other side of the door.

One, two, three...eight pairs of feet? Including Captain Bang...there's a lot more people in the captain's team than I was expecting.

I cast a sideways glance at Jennie-eonni, seeing the corners of her lips already turning down.

The door opened and in walked the captain, followed by seven boys.

My eyes immediately scanned them, taking in whatever I could to make a preliminary profile of each of them in my mind.

The one with the broad shoulders. His posture suggests that he grew up in an affluent family.

The smallest one. He's quick on his feet- agile.

The one on the right, with the bunny teeth. Judging by the way he's standing, he's youngest. He also seems like he's the strongest out of all of them.

Him. He's the leader.

I stopped when my eyes fell on the fifth one.

There was something different about him.

While his peers were all standing upright and attentively, like the well-trained men that I'm sure they were, his posture was relaxed, making him stand out from the rest of them. Not to mention the boxy smile he had on his face.

Is he for real?

The captain cleared his throat, and with that, we all stood up.

"Girls, I'd like to introduce you to the team you will be working with." He said. "We call them our Bulletproof Boy Scouts, or BTS for short. They have all undergone specialized, rigorous training and are the best of the best."

There was pride in his voice as he introduced them to us, like they were his own children. He gestured toward each boy as he said their names.

"This is Kim Namjoon. He's the team's leader. He specializes in strategic planning."

'I was right.' I mused. He just had that air of authority around him.

"Kim Seokjin is what we like to call our Human Lie Detector. He's the best criminal profiler in the country and can analyze people as easily as reading an open book."

Of course. Someone who grew up surrounded by CEOs and other rich people would develop a keen sense of detecting a person's true intentions.

"Min Yoongi is our tech master. He was recruited at a young age after he managed to hack into the National Security's database at the age of thirteen. He's also our foreign language expert and cryptographer. Lastly, we have Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook who are our field agents."

Out of the seven, the four of them look like they were the most active, which made sense. My eyes landed on the one with the boxy smile again, which he still had plastered on his face.

Doesn't he get tired?

Suddenly, his eyes met mine. I didn't avert my gaze since that would be a sign of weakness. Instead, I raised an eyebrow, as if asking him what he was looking at.

Then, he did something that surprised me.

He raised his hand then waved, slightly tilting his head to the side.

His action made everyone in the room look at the two of us.

I was so confused. Why did he do that? It was such a simple, child-like gesture that I didn't expect it to come from him- someone who's supposedly a highly trained agent.

I could feel Rosé's questioning gaze directed at me from the side, among others. I was beginning to feel the heat creep up to my cheeks from all the attention I was getting.

Jisoo-eonni, sensing my discomfort, stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"Hi, I'm Kim Jisoo." She said. As she rose from her bow, she looked at us, urging us to follow her action.

"Kim Jennie." Jenni-eonni stated simply.

"P-Park Chaeyoung." Rosé stuttered with a nervous smile. "But everyone calls me Rosé."

"My name's Lisa."

"Hello, I'm Song Aeri." I said, thankful for the distraction. It was enough for me to recollect myself.

The captain gestured for everyone to take a seat. We all sat back down, moving to make space for the new people on the table. Since I was sitting at the end, one of them, Kim Seokjin, sat next to me. He gave me a small nod of acknowledgment which I politely returned before turning my attention back to the captain.

"Now, boys, I've instructed you to be called here without being told the details of your mission."

"We weren't told anything, sir." Kim Namjoon confirmed. "We were just told that our next mission would be one of the highest importance."

Captain Bang nodded, satisfied.

"That's because this mission top secret. Whatever is said in this room is for your ears only." He then turned his gaze to me and my girls.

"Ladies, would you care to start this briefing?"

The four of us looked at Jisoo-eonni, who had a gleam in her eyes. She clasped her hands together on the table and leaned forward.

"Yeoreobun," She smirked, "Jal deureuseyo."

- - -

Yeoreobun - 여러분 - Everyone

Jal deureuseyo - 잘 들으세요 - Listen carefully

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