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Noah's pov/
I wanted to tell the fans what had happened. I knew they would worry about us, which is nice because it's nice to know they care about us. Me, Lillia, Josh and Bryce got into the car before we drove back to Sway. It was about midnight now.
'Do you guys want anything to eat?' Josh asked us.
'I lowkey fancy a dunkin coffee.' Lillia responded.
'We could go to in and out too?' Bryce suggested which we all agreed to. We drove to Dunkin first as it was closer.
'I'll pay.' Lillia said as we pulled into the drive thru.
'Noooo you guys literally were just in hospital. I'll pay.' Josh said, the homies always pull through. A few minute later, we got out coffee and drove to in and out. Lillia's phone started ringing.
'Could you all turn the music down, it's my dad?' Bryce turned the music down for her.
'Honey. How are you? Are you both alive? Are you still in hospital?' He said said in concern. I have never met him in real life, only over facetime.
'Dadddd we are both okay. We was in hospital for maybe an hour and a half.' She panned the camera over to me.
'Heya Noah how are you feeling?' Her dad asked me.
'I'm alright thank you. The doctors were baffled to how I didn't break a bone or have any internal bleeds.'
'I'm so happy you too are okay. Thank you for keeping her safe... wait who's driving?' Her dad asked confused.
'Dad Bryce is driving. Him and Josh came to get us. We are just getting some food before heading home.'
'Heyyy boys!' Her dad said, he said he always likes to fit in with us 'young-uns.'
'Yooooo.' Josh and Bryce said. We spoke to her dad for a few more minutes until we pulled up to get food.
We all ordered some food. We sat in the car park to bryce could eat his food easier.
'I've just realised we haven't said anything on social media.' Lillia said. I realised that too.
'Imma go outside and make a video.' Lillia said getting out. From what I could see, she said that me and her were okay and we'd address it properly tomorrow. I make a tweet, which I then put on my instagram story, saying a similar thing.
'Anyway how's you and Lillia?' Bryce asked.
'Amazing honestly, we're both so happy.'
'The way he said weeee.' Josh said in a high pitched voice. We all laughed and then Lillia came back in.
'What are y'all laughing about?' She said confused.
'It's just Josh being Josh.' Bryce said as we started to drive back to Sway.

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