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Lillia's pov/
Did anyone think I liked Quinton? I didn't when we fake dated, or before aswell.
'No I haven't. Why do you think that? Don't take offence Quinton.' I said in reply to the truth.
'Just because the fake dating seemed so real.' I was so confused about it all.
'Anyway let's move on Griffin..' So we continued our game of truth or dare, I stayed right by Noah the whole time continuously drinking.
'What's the time now?' I asked Noah.
'Umm let me look. it's 1:28.' He replied.
'Can we go back soon? I'm tired.'
'Of course we can I am a little bit too.' We stayed for maybe 15 more minutes.
'Imma just go to the toilet.' Noah's aid as he walked away. I could feel the alcohol getting to me. I just wanted Noah to come back before anything happened. I've never been properly drunk before, Ive have alcohol before but not this much. It all started to feel blurry and fizzy. The last thing I remember is Noah coming next to me asking if I was okay.

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