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Lillia's pov/
I woke up from blacking out instantly, seeing we got into a crash.
'Noah.' I said and got not reply.
'NOAH!' I shouted still with no reply.
'Noah baby please speak to me.' I said as I rubbed his shoulder, but got no reply.
'No baby please no. Don't go. I had our whole life planned out together.' I lost it. I started crying. I don't want to lose the love of my life, it was too early. 10 seconds later two ambulances, a police car and a fire engine came down the highway. The fireman came to the door.
'Hello can you hear me?' He asked.
'HELP MY BOYFRIEND WONT RESPOND.' I shouted and the ambulance staff came over and got him out the car. They took him into an ambulance to try and get him to come awake. I luckily had broken any bones, i was bleeding from multiple cuts and had lots of bruises. A member of the ambulance staff called Amber  came over to me, and took me into the ambulance. She did a few tests on me. She told me that I was going to be okay.
'What about N..N..Noah?' I said shaking.
'Sweetie he's going to be okay, he had a pulse and he's breathing. As soon as he comes to we will tell you. She led me to the ambulance Noah was in and I asked if i could take a photo of the scene, which she let me do. I wanted to, and felt like I needed to, let all the fans know what happened. I posted the photo of the scene on my instagram with the caption 'A car was speeding illegally down the highway and hit me and Noah. I'll try and update you guys but for now, peace out ;( ' I didn't want to say everything that happened as it didn't feel right. I held Noah's and tightly and I felt my phone vibrate. I picked up Noah's phone too and some how they were both in tact. It was Josh calling me.
'Lillia Lillia are you there?' Josh said, i could tell that he was crying.
'Yes josh i'm here.' I replied sobbing.
'Are you Okay? Is Noah there?' Blake asked.'
'i'm o..okay. It's noah. He has a pulse and is breathing but hasn't come to and i'm really scared.' I replied and that's when I lost it.
'It's okay Lil he will get through this, Noah is really strong.' Blake replied but I knew he was breaking down. Noah and Blake are super close. I wanted my baby back already.

my brother's best friend [ swayla x oc ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz