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Lillia's pov/
When I first got my following, not long after I dated someone called Sebastian. He's also on Tiktok too, that's how we found eachother. We had a healthy relationship for maybe 2 months or so, but due to me being at school at the time, it was mostly long distance. At the time, I trusted him a lot and he trusted me. One evening there was a party for someone's birthday, and Seb promised me that we wouldn't cheat, I presumed I could trust him. I then got loads of texts along the lines of 'i'm sorry' 'are you okay?' I didn't know what they were on about. So I went on Tiktok room as that seemed a reasonable place to look. And that is where I lost it. There was videos of Seb kissing another girl.
It broke me. We had so much trust and he lost it like that. This happened about 5 months before I came out to LA. Since we've broke up, Seb has tried to get me back. I told myself, and other people told me too, to not listen to him. He want getting me back, and the worst of it all. He lied, saying it was someone else. And the girl messaged me saying he forced her, that it was so uncomfortable.
Not a lot of people know but I felt very low at that time. I didn't just loose my boyfriend, but my bestfriend. This is why i'm so close to Noah, I don't want to loose him. I knew the pain I went through before, and I didn't want to be broken like that again. Noah wouldnt cheat would he? Right?

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