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I drew this pic of Riley and it's EXACTLY how I imagine him :)

I never knew what it felt like to win something. I'd never been given a trophy, or a medal, and definitely not a five hundred dollar check. I'd never had my picture taken because of something I accomplished either.

I got exactly that tonight. Principal McCoy was the one giving the awards and shaking the top three winner's hands. When he shook mine, he held onto my hand a bit longer and looked into my eyes, saying, "I underestimated you, Riley. Congratulations."

I was so surprised. Nonetheless, I accepted my award as the announcer requested for everyone to give me a round of applause. The crowd was on their feet, just as they had been during my performance and for every moment after. I held up my trophy, smiling, feeling so special. No one, not even Nathan, could put me down right now. I was a shining light and they could see it.

The three judges had to comment on my singing, calling me a star, diamond in the rough, phenomenal. All the words and phrases I didn't know the meaning of, but I knew it was praise. And praise felt good. Winning felt good.

Soon, all the excitement subsided and I, along with the runner-ups, was escorted off the stage.

"Second place feels better when it's next to your best friend!" Wyatt cheered, swinging an arm around me. "You were amazing. What did I tell ya?"

My cheeks heated up. "Thanks."

Austin playfully bumped shoulders with me. "I didn't expect that from you, I'll be honest. Nobody did. You're gonna be the talk of the school tomorrow! It's the last day before Thanksgiving."

"Where'd you learn to sing like that?!" We heard a girl say from behind us and we turned around. Her eyes were wide, and it was one of the ballerinas. "I got goosebumps!" She pointed at her arms making me blush. "I recorded it, by the way. I'm so asking my mom if I can post it. Pretty sure you'll go viral. Hope you don't mind. See you tomorrow, Riley." She grinned and twirled away.

Wyatt slowly turned to me. "When you become famous, don't forget about me. I'll haunt you if you do."

I laughed and hugged him. "I won't forget you ever ever ever."

"It's time to start going home," Austin said, ending our little fun.

"Did you guys see Principal McCoy's face when Riley sang?" Wyatt laughed really hard.

"No, I didn't see it," I said, wishing I had. Wyatt smirked at me, dug in his pocket and pulled out a phone.

"Well, do you want to?"

We laughed again and headed out to the large foyer where everyone was trying to catch up with their kids and families.

"Aunt Daisy!" Wyatt yelled when he saw his aunt, sprinting over to her. I saw her grin and embrace her nephew affectionately.

"Riley! Riley!" It was my youngest brother, Roman. He ran over to me, hugging me around the waist.

"Aw, hombrecito." I leaned down to kiss his forehead and he refused to let go of me, so I let him keep his arms around me. Soon my entire family was swarming around me, drowning me in hugs and kisses. Ryan snatched the check out of my hands.

"Sweet mama." He inhaled it and sighed. "Money is my favorite vegetable. It's green, it's delicious!"

"That's a check," I pointed out, then deadpanned, "it's white."

"So? Never seen white vegetables?"

My dad held my trophy for me and Ms. Daisy came over, dragging a man along. I froze, not knowing what to say. Taj. A music producer. My future was right here.

The Music In Me (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now