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Video: Everybody Has a Dream sung by Jessica Sanchez

"You were on fire today!" Wyatt exclaimed, his green eyes wild with wonder. At the same time, I was kind of in shock.

I was busy pacing our room, tugging on my long hair. "He's gonna kill me. I hit him. What was I thinking?"


"I-I-I was just so mad and then I was freaking out and next thing I know—!"

Wyatt held my shoulders and shook me gently. "Riley! Snap out of it!"

I stared at him and he gave me an encouraging smile. "You were a badass today, Riley Vazquez. Own that."

The door burst open, and literally all of my siblings rushed through.

"Holy crap!" Ryan was the first to pull me in an embrace. "I still can't believe it. I'd pay money to experience that again!"

"I'm not a fan of violence... but same!" Ricky agreed.

"Too bad we weren't there," our younger sister Ria groaned while the twins wrapped their little arms around me.

"Aunt Daisy told us you're off the hook." Wyatt grinned, sitting down on his bed.

Ryan joined him. "Which means you can focus on the talent show. Have you decided what you'll be singing?"

"Ooh, you should sing I'll Always Love You," Ricky suggested. "It's one of your favorites, right?"

"Don't know it, but you'll kill it," Wyatt encouraged.

"How do you not know that song?" Ryan teased. Wyatt's cheeks grew red.

"I'm not allowed to listen to romantic music!" He said defensively.

We all laughed partly with him and partly at him.

"It's a great song, but I have a different one in mind. Nathan always told me people like me can't afford to have dreams let alone make them come true. And I've been living by that. But... it couldn't be further from the truth. I know that now."

"I knew you had it in you." Ryan smiled with pride.

"Everybody Has a Dream. That's the song I'm singing."



"I didn't know this many people would show up!" I freaked out to Wyatt backstage. I was going crazy, possibly near a panic attack.

The Turkey Talent show was held in the large auditorium, able to accommodate hundreds of people. I didn't actually believe this place would fill up. This was just middle school; who cared to come see a bunch of kids performing on a stage?

"I know!" Wyatt exclaimed happily. "I can't wait to show all of them my moves... I mean, my moves plus Austin's. But still!"


I turned around to see Momma rushing over to me. "Oh, hey, baby!" She hugged me tightly. I was relieved to see her. Ms. Daisy had dropped off Wyatt and I earlier in the day so that we could practice. So, I hadn't seen any of my family in hours.

"You look so beautiful, mijo," she had tears in her eyes as she held me at arm's length. "Angelina fixed you up?"

I nodded. Of course, Ms. Daisy wanted me to look my absolute best so she had my black hair pulled back into a low, messy bun, and dressed me up a little formally. I was wearing a short sleeved, button up shirt with black pants and black shoes. Other kids had dressed up formally as well but those who were dancing like Wyatt and Austin had on these cool outfits and shoes. I even saw two girls dressed up in ballet tutus. I was a little intimidated by the talent.

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